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This story contains a lot of grammatical errors, and technicalities. If you're perfectionist and someone who's intimidated by mistakes, This story is not for you.

This story is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places, Some places and incidents are products of author's imagination. I day dream a lot.

The reason why i wrote this story because i can't Express my feelings.  And i can't tell someone  about my traumas. To express what i really feel i decided to make a story about it.

NOTE: Love is scary, I know. Maybe you're heart had been broken once and since  then you wanted to be rather numb than feel again. Please don't rush yourself, Please don't love someone if you can't love yourself.  Love can wait,  I don't want you to hurt yourself.  Please love yourself and take care, I don't want u to end up like me. 




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