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Author's Note: There will be many discrepancies through the stories I write, please note that I use the same characters for different situations and the cast behind them will always be different. I hope you enjoy this story: Killing Victoria.


"For as long as I can remember, I fell in love with a man; he wasn't like other men that I've been with. Somehow he was different." She said as her voice was disguised. "It was the way he said things, the way he could say anything without actually breathing a word. There was a fire in his eyes and he woke something up inside of me. When he came to me, he was broken, like you could see it written on his face and to be honest it was a little sad."

"How was it sad?" Asked a reporter for the evening news.

"It was like his spirit inside was destroyed, almost as if he had given up on life itself; yet, he would never blame anyone." The woman said in reply.

Taking a deep breath the reporter shifted himself "so, what kind of a man would use a young woman for his own pleasure, as you have said to me off camera?"

"He was kind, gentle, and he didn't use me, it was consensual between us, I may be young, but I do know what sex is about. I was ready for someone to finally have me." She said crossing her legs discomforted by the question. "You see, what that man does for a living is stressful, he needed an outlet, and I wanted him in every way, shape, and form. I may be a young woman, but don't go mistaking me for a child, so, please, be professional you're not the paparazzi."

"Please forgive my rudeness. What made you want to kill her? I mean, there has to be a motive behind your actions."

She sighed "I killed her because she was in my way, she had the man, but she didn't give him what he needed and that's not fair. My motive, basically, it boils down to eliminating the competition. He was mine, and I wasn't going to let some stupid bitch have something that didn't belong to her anymore; and you know what? I'll be honest here, I'd do it again and again, as long as I knew I could make the man happy."

He took his glasses off "in the end you killed him, right?"

"Don't be daft, you're playing it out like I had a choice-" She started.

"But you did have a choice, and you chose to kill the man." He blamed her.

"Listen here you overpaid, pompous ass, she stole him from me, and if he wanted to be with her so fucking badly, then yes I killed him. Want to know how? Do you?" She asked as her tone became more aggressively annoyed.

Unsure on how to answer he nodded.

"I stabbed that man sixty-seven times in his chest, because he promised me that he'd never leave me, he promised me that he would give me a perfect life. I was going to be his wife, and bare his children. Then the bastard say's that he's going back to his wife and leaving me to my life. Said 'I was free'. Now tell me, what the fuck does that mean?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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