Scars And Souvenirs

137 4 33

Tara pov;

Ring! Ring! Ring! The sound of a school bell rang throughout the quad. My group of idiotic teenage friends entered the building, everyone going their separate ways to our designated classes. I dreaded the first period because it meant seeing her. That annoying girl. With siren eyes colored dark brown, highlighted with specks of deep scarlet. And stupidly soft and fluffy raven hair. And don't get me started on her lips. Those light pink, almost pale, plump lips covered in blotches of mahogany, as if the skin had been punctured with blood spilling through. But to my surprise, she wasn't there. 'Probably late because she fucked one of her hours while drunk last night.' I thought, scoffing.

Third person pov;

"AMBER CALLIOPE FREEMAN." Came from behind her bedroom door, followed by banging. The sudden noise startled Amber, making her roll off her bed and smack onto the floor. "Why aren't you at school?!" Her father barged in yelling. "I overslept Dad I-" she was cut off by a smack to her face. "You are such a disgrace. Get out of my house you fucking *d slur*!" He finished as he walked out of her room, slamming the door and stomping off to his office. Amber stood in shock as she hesitantly raised her hand to her face, wincing at the touch, before lowering her hand, blood covering the tips of her fingers. 'Of course, he just had to wear his brass knuckles' she thought. She sighed, shrugging it off, before moving to her closet and changing into a white button-up over a black crop top, showing her abdomen and baggy ripped jeans to finish it off. She grabbed her bag and left, not bothering to patch up her wound.

Tara looked up from her notebook and she heard the classroom door open, revealing a girl who was at least 6 feet. "Miss Freeman. You're late. Care to explain why?" Mrs. Tate cocked a brow at her as her gaze shifted to the side of her face. Tara furrowed her eyebrows as she noticed the blood flowing from Amber's face. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the teacher looking around before making eye contact with her. "Ah, Miss Carpenter. Be a dear and take Amber to the infirmary, won't you?" She smiled at her. Tara's eyes widened as she opened her mouth in shock. "Wha- But- I-.." she ransacked her brain for an excuse. "I- I have worked to do..?" She pursued her lips, hoping the excuse would work. "Tara. Now, please." The teacher deadpanned. "Yes ma'am" she mumbled as she stood, gathered her stuff, and left the class. Amber walked beside Tara, completely ignoring the immense headache she was having at the moment. "I hope you know I'm not doing this to be nice." She said, not bothering to look at her. "Uh huh," Amber muttered, trying to focus on getting rid of the black dots dancing in her vision. Tara snuck a glance at her before abruptly looking at her, noticing the amount of blood oozing out had doubled over time and her skin had become paler than usual. "What?" Amber murmured, so low it was a whisper only Tara could barely hear, as she struggled to keep her eyes open and on Tara. There was no way she was gonna tell Tara she wasn't feeling good. Like, god, how hard did he hit her? Tara sighed before slightly pulling Amber down to her level. "How many fingers am I holding up?" She asked putting up 3 fingers. "What are you doing?" "How many fingers, Freeman?" Amber squinted her eyes, trying to focus on Tara, but no luck. Amber sighed, glancing at Tara before looking down and leaning on the wall, crossing her arms and clenching her jaw. Tara pursued her lips and sighed. Why was she being so nice to her? "C'mon," Amber got up but stumbled as she felt her chest closing in on her, her vision started going black, seeing Tara catching her and calling out her name before passing out.

A/N; 676 words. I made this because I'm delulu and need to fill my Tamber heart. lmk if I should continue this!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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