What's this?

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|Disclaimer this time lines in this are jambled and not true to empires actual story|

Fwhip was a curious goblin, he loved meeting new people and inviting them to his goblin empire. But today he was going to venture out his cave.

He needed to meet new people.
First on the list... Tumble town? Fwhip was excited about this one since the Southern klimate was so drastic from the cold caves.
He ran over bright and earlier. Using his ears to fly sometimes but not often as it tired him.

He eventually arrived, very tired but excited as he looked around the area of Tumble Town. It was very hot he could say he felt extremely warm in his caving clothing.
A man wearing a cowboy noticed this, quickly walking over curious to the panting very small fragile goblin. ' What is it? Why is it green? ' he Jimmy, the sheriff thought as he scrambled over.

"Ello?" Fwhip ears tilted up turning around to meet Jimmys eyes. Fwhip lit up seeing how tall the sheriff was ' He's me sized! ' he thought giddily "Hi! I'm Fwhip of Gobland!" Fwhip exclaimed The sheriff chuckled sheepishly "Oh you're that Goblin ruler.. Almost thought you were a zombie or something... Eheh." Fwhip turned a bit of an odd redish undertone of green from embarrassment.

"OH makes sense!" Fwhip said, chuckling. He felt so nervous around this guy..
"I'm Jimmy by the way! But you can call me the sheriff." He stated proudly.

Fwhip blinked, in a one by one eyeball motion|Frog blink| "I'm Fwhip. Hey uh what's your export here? I'm curious." Fwhip asked after saying so

"It's gunpowder! We sell all types if explosives here." Jimmy replied proudly Fwhip looked to his wagon excitedly "Could I trade you rocks some time?!" Fwhip looked very excited "Sure!" Jimmy replied happily. He smiled so nicely Fwhip was so confused on what he was feeling like, he felt almost excited to trade tomorrow and not only for the gunpowder.

' He knew he was excited to visit
Lizzie even not for trades she was an emperor he was fond of as she was quite nice felt similar to him. Even though she was very different. But the fond he felt with Jimmy felt so much different right now. '

"Could you get me cobble, stone and tuft? " Jimmy asked calmly. For some reason lightly smirking.

"Sure thing sheriff!" Fwhip said nervously. ' Why was Jimmy smirking? ' He quickly scaddadled off as he thought to himself. It then hit him, he had been staring at Jimmy that whole time he was thinking. He turned red as Jimmy yelled "Bye Fwhipppp! Look forward to seeing you soon!"

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