Feature article written by an anonymous independent journalist (Translated)

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(Remark from the database: The Girikanan Foundation has passed us the document of Daisy Girikanan's past. Additionally, the foundation hopes to publish it to persuade the R land's civilians to join the anti-totalitarian-terrorism campaign for the sake of the children's promised comfortable future. All the material provided has been translated into English for general reading.)

In the beginning, "Project Lily" is a medication project for taking a great step toward achieving immortality significantly launched and monitored by Dr Frank Girikanan, the 10th chairman of the Girikanan Foundation. He ambitiously believed everyone had the right to live, and started investigating the possibility of extending fragile lives while saving lives. In addition, he also believed every obstacle would be resolved with the aid of the decedents' memories and wisdom. Notwithstanding, "Project Lily" is a highly-confidential project with a strict prohibition for samples and experiment process disclosure while with a cautiously repetitious researcher examination during the recruitment.

Get to the point, according to Dr Frank Girikanan, the conception of "Project Lily" began when he met a homeless girl who secretly escaped from a children's home.

A few years ago, on his drive to the Foundation's research institute for regular supervision, a seriously abused girl crouched in the middle of the road. She had shiny red eyes and wore a pure white hoodie, navy blue jeans and pure white sneakers, but they were fully torn. Her face, limbs and back were full of visible wounds. Stunningly meeting her, he braked to avoid the crash. Fortunately, both of them did not get injured. Then he got out of his car and asked her who she was. She hoarsely answered him with her name Lily, not speaking too much. To give her a quality medication service and investigate her background, he eventually called off the supervision and took her to the Foundation's hospital.

In the hospital, Dr Frank required the medical staff to make photo records of this injured girl before the medical procedure. Meanwhile, he contacted a family member who was working in the judiciary to search for the name Lily in the list of the children who got sentenced to a children's home. He suspected she came out from the place infamous for officially allowing child abuse after his deep observation of her wounds.

The reason why some members can infiltrate the government is they have used well-modified counterfeit identities and related identity documents that can pass the central system. They sometimes report some grubbier episodes of some officers and regime supporters to the Foundation for tracking every step of the regime.

Afterwards, half-naked but bandaged Lily lay on the hospital bed, having her body covered with a quilt, quietly sleeping like a kitten. To protect her identity, Dr Frank had arranged for her to stay in an independent but more strictly secured patient room. In addition, he would have a talk with Lily after she completed her first stage of treatment. Their conversation had been recorded by Dr Frank himself.

Three days later, the finding about Lily was transmitted to Dr Frank's device. Simultaneously, an independent investigator texted Dr Frank to inform him of Lily's parents' death due to the commander's execution provoked by their rebellion against the orders on the battlefield. Arranging that information, he sympathised with her lonely past, deciding to adopt her as his only daughter, giving his surname to her. Due to his fury, he was motivated to seek ways to store her mind for his fear that she, unfortunately, passed away, attempting to reveal the truth from her memory.

His fear had come true. A week later, Lily's heartbeat stopped in the morning. The medical team was unable to revive it and then announced her death. Eventually, Dr Frank revealed his new project for memorialising her and built a robot in person for trial.

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