Just words

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It was late one night as I was sitting at my favorite spot. No where else in my life felt as peaceful as this place did. My spot was my comfort, a place to get away from everything. All my troubles, inconveniences, bad days, all of it. I always felt far away from life here.

It's just a simple pile of rocks under an old train bridge that over looks the river down below. I wish I could say I found this place on my own, but I didn't. I was shown this place, ironically by the person that's hurt me the most.

I think a lot when I'm here. I can hear my thoughts clearly when I watch the river move below me. Not many people know about my spot. I prefer it that way.

Life has been getting increasingly worse lately. So many worries that eat away at my brain. I was mulling over the same thought that I've had for the past month. No real answers were coming to me as I sat contemplating what to do next.

My mind was pulled away from the heavy thought as a man wearing all black sat next to me. I did not know him nor recognize him. He was a stranger to me.

His sudden appearance startled me at first, but that was pushed aside when I realized he was now blocking my only way back to my car.

Before I could overreact he spoke with a soft voice, "it's a pretty place here, don't you think?"
I nodded my head and looked back at the river. The man moved a little closer to me and held out his hand to me. In his hand was an old bubble container that kids used to get for being good.

I was a little confused on why he was handing me bubbles. Hesitantly I took the bubbles from his hand and watched as he pulled out another container and opened it. He then began to blow bubbles as we watched them float down towards the river.

"Are you not gonna blow bubbles with me?" He asked, I nodded my head again thinking how strange this encounter was but i digress and did the same as he did.

We sat there for a good long while just blowing bubbles and watching them sink through the air, not saying a word to each othet the whole time. This was a different kind of peace that I've never experienced before. This was nice and soothing. Making my thought from earlier completely leave my mind.

"I know why you're here." He said, breaking the long silence again. I looked at him with a confused look. There was no way he could know. I wanted to see if he was wrong as I stayed silent.

"You were thinking about floating off this edge to meet the river. Weren't you?" How did he know? I didn't voice it out loud so he couldn't have over heard me. I never told a soul. This man must be on crack. That's the only conclusion I could make at this time.

"How did you know that's what I was thinking?" He looked puzzled by my question then answered, "I know that look you had. I've seen many people "fall" from this place. I've seen death in all shapes and forms. I know that look anywhere. The look that says you've given up."

"But I haven't given up yet, I'm still here, sitting here while talking to you. I'm still alive, blowing bubbles." As I spoke his face became somber and white. "The bubbles weren't meant to save you. They were meant for me. To make this easier." I didn't understand what he meant. Was he here for the same reason?

"It's time to go." He said as he stood from his spot. "I've stalled as long as I could but now we have to go." "Go where?" I said. "You're practically a stranger, why would I go with you?" He sighed then put his hand on my shoulder.

"You're a lost soul that need to be returned as soon as possible." He said. "That makes no sense, I'm not lost. I'm right here!" I said as I started to get upset by his words. "All lost souls have to be returned immediately. Come with me and all your questions will be answered." He held out his hand to me.

I thought for a moment then took his hand. His hand was cold as ice but I didn't let go as he guided me away from my spot into the darkness.

We followed the tracks until they came to an end. He turned to me and said, "This is the end of the line." After he said that I watched as his face slowly turned into a skull. There were no more features besides his empty pit like eyesockets and teeth.

In that moment I knew, I had died. "Why did you give me bubbles?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders that were now covered in a black cloak. "Some souls need to be reminded that life wasn't all that bad. Just missed opportunities." I nodded my head. I think I understand. 

Life has to many new opportunities for us to find to just quit. I failed this life. But maybe in the next one I'll never waste a day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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