Part III: I Just Need You.

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Visenya stood in front of her uncle and watched him as he slowly began to sit up in bed.

"May I help you, uncle?" She asked, and he coughed out a chuckle before finally settling in.

"You look like a proper knight." He commented, and she chuckled lightly but thanked him. She was happy with being just a knight, but to ease her father's worries, she had joined the council and became the king's sworn shield. "I am your sworn shield uncle, I would hope so." She jested, and he smiled softly.

"You've changed a lot." Viserys commented, and Visenya hummed. "A lot has happened." She tried to shrug off the feeling she was getting from where this conversation was heading.

"Queen Aemma would be proud." He nearly whispered, and Visenya had to fight the urge to snap at the man, but she knew he was in this condition by choice. Viserys was punishing himself for his wife and son's death. She did not need to add her own justice. "Thank you." She simply replied as she handed him some tea.

"How has your time as Kingsgaurd been?" Viserys asked, and Visenya chuckled but shrugged. "It's been bearable. Ser Harwin had been kind in showing me all the necessary things as well as Ser Westerling."

"I thought you disliked Ser Harwin." His words made her perk up.

She had enjoyed her mornings with her uncle. She was reminded of how he'd invite her for a walk through the garden when she was younger just to see how she was doing.

But after she had been so hurt, she felt hesitant to reconcile with her uncle. Yet as she watched him look at her with a smile, she could not find it in her to keep her guard up.

"Rhaenyra told me." Viserys laughed, to which Visenya scoffed but smiled slightly.

"Princess has always been one for gossip." She shrugged half heartedly.

"So it is false?" The knight's uncle asked, and she rolled her eyes at his jesting. "I don't fancy him that much. But he holds the position of being most bearable along with Ser Westerling." She said with her best smile, and he seemed swayed.

"So it would be okay if I gave you his post?" Viserys asked, and Visenya raised a brow. "Commander of the city watch?" She asked, surprised and in disbelief.

"Not what I meant." Viserys smiled gently, and she raised a brow. "I plan to make you Lady Commander of the City Watch." Visenya stared at her uncle, confused.

"You're losing your mind, old man." She quipped, and he laughed until he fell into a coughing fit, prompting his niece to make him drink some water.

"I saw it in a dream child." He said, and she grimaced. "Uncle, your dreams can be dangerous." She knew from her house's history how often it was misinterpreted.

"It is my will, and my word is law." Viserys stated, and she chuckled lightly, maybe she was rubbing off on the old man.

"I have no issue taking his post, but I'm not sure Ser Breakbones will appreciate it." She jested. "You will be assigned first as Rhaenyra sworn shield if Ser Harwin is not around." Before she could answer, Alicent entered the room with Maestors in tow. Already annoyed, she didn't bite her tongue as she looked at the green queen.

"Is this necessary- Please leave us Ser Visenya." Alicent spoke, and the knight glared.

"It's okay, my dear niece." Viserys smiled at her, and she felt her heart breaking, Viserys the Peaceful was too trusting, and it was costing him greatly.

"Ser Harwin has been spotted with the princess on their daily walk in the gardens." Alicent spoke for just Visenya to hear, but she showed no response walking out the room before storming down the hall.

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