chapter one

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(2001 words)

Bianca, how could I compare to her? She is the girl every girl in this town wants to be. She has perfect friends, the perfect family and the perfect house. I live in the world's worst house, I have four friends that don't even go to my school and I don't even have a mom. How is someone at 13 expected to be as perfect as her, to be fair she is also 13 but she doesn't look like it. She looks 15, not too old, not too young, the perfect age to be considered a teenager and do anything you want but you are still expected to have a role in something.

"Lorelei?" a harsh familiar voice said, I chose to ignore it in the moment, which was not the best decision of the day "LORELEI HART!" my teacher, Ms. Adams yells. I was never her favorite, I don't think anyone is her favorite "the bell has rung, you may go now" she is always glaring at me. It gets boring after a while so I leave without causing a scene like usual because I just don't have the energy to put up with people right now. I was given detention for a week, you know that 'perfect' girl i was talking about earlier, I had to write a letter about what I did wrong in the situation. but you may be asking what are you talking about? I punched that little princess in the face, also known as, Bianca Brooks, aka miss popular in this appalling town named East Point. It's a small town, things get around quickly but only the rumors that elevate the top people here.

I know at this part it sounds like I'm the bully, but I was just defending myself. I was walking to class, minding my own business when I was pulled into a locked bathroom with just me and Bianca. She was saying that I shouldn't have told the teacher that she copied my work, and some other meaningless threats that I turned out because they are overused and, well, boring. Just when I was about to walk out she said "you probably learned that from your shitty mother, oh wait..." and then in her annoyingly high voice she laughed, and left me alone in the bathroom. I knew she was mean, but to use that against someone that's just a whole different level of evil.

I was always insecure that I never had a mother but it was okay, until now. I have never been angry about it or sad, but she got into my head. I didn't want her to think that it wrecked me that she said that, I wanted her to think that it didn't affect me. But it did, no one has brought it up or had a conversation with me about it, let alone bring it up as leverage in a fight.

"What the hell, you psycho?!!" Bianca screamed, she screamed with blood dripping from her nose, you could probably hear her scream from a mile away.

I didn't know what I was doing, I was trying to find her in the halls even though I had no idea what I was even going to say or do. I saw her and just punched. From what everyone else saw, I probably did look like a psycho just running after her just to punch her and run again, but it felt good.


"Lorelei?" Mr. Herrings asks

After I punched her it didn't take long for her to tell everyone about how she was punched by a psycho. While I was in my last class I was brought to the counselors office. They always say 'this school has a no violence policy' but it doesn't matter how many times I say that Bianca is the real bully, they just look the other way because her mom and dad donate a lot of money to the school.

"Yeah, I'm listening," I said, kind of annoyed. I'm not the only one wrong in this situation, she can get away with this but i can't. But then of course anything Bianca says goes.

"Then what did i say?"

"if i don't stop doing this then i will not be able to go to my high school A.P courses" i say

That's a pretty harsh punishment for someone who punched one person one time you may be thinking. Yes, it's not fair, for someone who punched one person one time, and not even that hard may I add. But if i didn't mention it before i did it another 5 or 6 times before and after that too. To other people of course, one time it wasnt even on school grounds so i dont think it should count.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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