Patty the Potato

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I was hobbling along when all of a sudden a guava ran in front of me.

"Excuse me guava, but I'd like to continue walking on this path," I call out to the lonely guava. It looked at me, stuck its tongue out, and continued to sit in my way. I try to walk around it, but it moves in front of me.

"I'm sorry Mr. Guava, but you're in my way. Can you please move over?" I ask it.

"Why should I? What have you ever don't for me? You're a potato, I don't have to listen to you," said the guava.

"Well, I'll be your friend if you move out of the way." The guava turned to my, eyes wide.

"Really? You would want to be my friend?" The guava seemed surprised.

"Of course I would. I like being friends with everyone." The guava moved out of my way.

"You are the nicest potato I've ever seen before. I'm George the guava." I continue walking down the path.

"I'm Patty the Potato. It's very nice to meet you George the guava."

"I've never met a nice potato before, where are you from that makes such nice potatoes?"

"From the Garden way down yonder."

"I wish more potatoes from there would come here. You're so nice!"

"We don't usually come down this way, we ran out of fertilizer for our tomatoes, so they sent me to go pick up the latest shipment of fertilizer for the tomatoes."

"There are tomatoes down there too!? Wowsa! Can I come to the Garden way down yonder! And meet all the nice plants down there?"

"If Grandpa Squash will let you, and I'm sure he will, you can come whenever you want." The guava jumped up and down excitedly. He follows me down to the market where the fertilizer waited for pick up. The store manager came out and handed me the fertilizer bag

"Have fun Patty! Wish the tomatoes the best of growing luck from me!" He calls as the guava and I walk away with the fertilizer.

"Will do Mr. Manager!" We walk to the Garden way down yonder. Half way there, George starts talking again.

"You wobble so slow! Speed up! We're never going to get there in time! C'mon Patty, hurry up!" He cried, and then moved faster. I tried to hobble faster and keep pace with him, but I ended up falling over. I rolled down the hill, dropping and spilling the fertilizer everywhere.

"Oh no! Patty are you ok?" George calls down, he walks down the hill and sets the fertilizer down.

"Oh Patty, I'm so sorry. I should never have made you go faster! Are you ok?" He helps me up. As he helped me up he accidentally stepped on the fertilizer, popping it open and spilling fertilizer everywhere.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry Patty!" He cries.

"It's ok George. We just have to tell Grandpa Squash what happened, he'll understand."

"What if he doesn't? What if..."

"Well you never know until you tell him, now let's go." We walk to the Garden way down yonder. Once at the gate, Papa Pumpkin greets us.

"Hello Patty, who's your friend and where's the fertilizer?" He bellows in his deep voice.

"This is George the guava, George this is Papa Pumpkin. I tripped going down the hill and dropped the fertilizer. Do you mind telling me where Grandpa Squash would be right now?"

"He should be over by the baby tomatoes. Be sure to tell him what happened Patty, honesty is everything."

"Thank you Papa Pumpkin!" We walk down to where the baby tomatoes were still on their vines, waiting to be fertilized. Grandpa Squash was sitting next to the youngest baby tomato, baby Timmy.

"Hello Grandpa Squash!" I cry out.

"Oh Patty! Welcome home! Where's fertilizer?"

"Well Grandpa Squash, I tripped down the hill coming home and dropped it."

"That's ok Patty, I'll send Rufus to go get more in the morning. Who is your little friend?"

"This is George the guava."

"Nice to meet you George the guava."

"You aren't made at us for losing the fertilizer?" George asks in surprise.

"Not at all, it happens all the time. As long as you're all ok, I don't mind small mistakes. No why don't you go play with the Apple blossoms?"

"Yes Grandpa Squash!" We run down by the Apple blossoms and play with them.

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