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“You don’t get to tell me to calm down!”

Rotxo cried in fury as the news was brought to him. He ran, kicking the sand that he blamed separating him from his dearest friend. His feet continued to go forwards as his body weaved through the crowd of his tribe. The betrayal swam through his eyes as the memories of his friend kept playing in his head like a broken tape.

He stood there as numerous emotions rapidly crashed through his being like the waves in the sea.

“Tell me Leskxir…” his breath hitched, unable to accept the reality that has befallen the peace of the tribe. He grabbed the girl’s arms, gripping them tightly like his life depended upon it.

“Please tell me that this is just a game between you and Aonung… tell me it’s not real!”

Rotxo held on to that idea as his eyes continued to stagger to reach the lifeless body of his friend.

He prayed to Eywa continuously as his knees buckled and his body fall down to the ground near the girl and Aonung’s body. The young Metkayina was overcomed by tremors in his body as he lightly shook his friend telling him to wake up.

With trembling lips, she tried to calm down the turbulent emotions within her heart. Her mind was completely empty as the events made her unable to respond to Rotxo’s pleading voice.

She remembered that wherever Aonung goes his best friend goes; and that made her silently plead Eywa to not let the sea take another one of her friends.

Aonung and Rotxo - the unbroken warriors of the Metkayina tribe, now separated by the cruel fate that have been laid down by them.

“The sea gives…”

Aonung’s voice echoed in her head as memories kept flooding her brain. Their smiles and laughter now fading as cries filled her ears. She gripped tightly to her memories of the two’s bet to give her the biggest tooth of the next Akula they’ll hunt. She remembered how they’ll try to make fun of the newcomers and then suddenly come to her for advice to make amends with them. She remembered how the two prepared and went through their Iknimaya. She remembered everything yet still felt nothing.

“... and the sea takes, always remember that Leskxir”

‘I remember Aonung… I’ll always remember how the sea gave me both of you and how it took you away from me as well’

Aonung is dead, and he took Rotxo’s spirit along with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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