Part II

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"Marry sir Jackson?" Elizabeth's face was painted in horror.

"I recall just saying that, yes."

"That is..." Jackson looked for the right word. Ludicrous? Scandalous? Preposterous? Indecorous? No word could really put his thoughts out. Alas, he spoke, "Absurd."

"But why should he marry her?" Senior Anderson spoke up.

"Because I demand so," Laurens spoke bravely. "It's either he marry her or you are cut from they Commission."

"I will be the joke of the town," Jackson pointed. "A family of our status marrying her people is not only unbecoming but interdicting." 

Elizabeth shrank back. No use in comforting herself over his words, he spoke truth. Yet, it hurt nevertheless to have him say it aloud.

"What happened was a minor issue, no need to water it. These things, they happen in society and we let it go,"  Senior Anderson explained.

"So you now admit he did do it?" Aaron raised a questioning brow, causing the old man to sneer.

"Whether he did it or not, my word still stands. Whether Richmond will accept the marriage or not is not my concern, it is simply to set their marriage as a prime example of equality."

Have I no say in this? Elizabeth wanted to speak up. Dear, if you did, you would not be here right now, another voice from within spoke.

"I have a say to this," Jackson spoke up, as if he could read Elizabeth's mind. "I refuse to be used in any of your equality games. I do no care the least bit whatever you, my father or your god-forbidden Commission do. Leave me out of it."

"Boy, watch your tongue," Aaron grumbled.

"Do not speak so indecorous. You oppose on marrying Vaughn and now Elizabeth does not fit your needs either?"

"Father, with all due respect, I am in no position to need a woman now," Jackson's eyes flickered to Elizabeth for a second before turning away. "I do not wish to be married to anyone."

"Then you are no man. You are a boy. Marriage—"

"To hell with marriage—"

"Your mother would weep for the man you have become."

The room fell silent.

"Father," Luke spoke for the first time. His voice was distant, soft and tender. John and Aaron looked between Senior Anderson and Jackson.

The two men glared at each other. Jackson clenched his fists besides him as his jaws tensed, his brunette hair falling over his eyes and ears.

The old man smiled with triumph before facing Laurens. "They will wed."


An inhuman sound escaped Jackson's throat before he marched past Elizabeth, his scent sweeping under her nostrils. He smelt of timber and paint. All that probably from work.

He walked out of the living room and barely closed the door before his brother stuttered his words out."I— I shall go and have a word with him."

The doors finally closed behind them, the distant sounds of horses neighing and Luke shouting for his brothers name echoing through the living room walls.

Anderson gave an awkward smile. "Well, we see that that is settled—"

"Barely," Aaron fixed his jacket.

"—Jackson and Isabella will marry."

Elizabeth opened her mouth for correction before Laurens beat her to it. "To marrying Elizabeth. I trust your word on it. I will need you to send me a letter of their union and their signatures on it by three weeks time."

The Ember In The Storm  (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now