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  I was walking in the corridor of my new school. I had to move out from my parents house for the reason they can't accept the fact that their only son was gay. I was also shocked by their reaction, it was repulsive and abusive, they inflicted pain in my body. I had a huge violet bag under my left eye and it was caused by my Father who was a big fan of homosexual, ( note the sarcasm over there. ) My mother didn't do anything, all she did was stood up there in the corner with her eyes piercing and staring at me with disgust like she was looking in something that doesn't deserve to be alive in this planet, like a dump trashcan. After beating me up, I packed my things up and moved out when it was  midnight, trying not to wake their peaceful slumber. Luckily, I saved enough money to rent an apartment for one good year but supporting myself in my studies, my money was too weak for that yet I hope for the best and I applied for scholarship program in sports. I failed in basketball, tennis, football and they'd offer the unpopular and almost closed sports, which was Volleyball.

  I was a good player in volleyball, not to brag, but I was the 1st placer in all over the tournament I joined and I accepted it, but they warned me that it may be a tough time doing academics and sports at the same time. I decided to give my best because it was my last year now before entering college life. They told me that if I can make the volleyball popular again in the university, they would provide me a flat for free and supports my need but in return I must keep my studies and sports actively high in performance. I signed the contract and everything was good. I transferred into my temporary apartment for a while. Everything happens so fast. 

  "Ouch! Watch where you going, Mister." I hissed in pain and rubbed my butt because I fell into it. "I'm sorry..." I trailed off, stood up and walked away from the guy but before I got any distance away, he grabbed my shoulder and made me face him. "You think that I'll slipped that away so easy?" he raised his left brow and his eyes were piercing into my personality, Flashback is coming back! I jerked backward and hold my chest and unconsciously, I was hyperventilating. He snatched my collar and held me up, "I see that you are new here, you want to be my volunteer?" I didn't know what was he talking, but I looked down in his eyes and stared him, a death stare but he punched me, strong enough to make my face scrunched in pain and I fell into my butt again, what the? This is the second time! I stood up and dust out myself. I walked to him but before I did that, somebody punches him and I could totally sense that my vision somehow got the ability to slow down because I could see his face reacting in the punch slowly.

  I couldn't help myself but giggle. I turned into the man who punched him and, Wow! was all I could utter from my voice box. All of the audience got afraid when that boy entered the stage and they started walking away even the one who bullied me. "Hi!" he waved his hand while walking towards to me and I waved back, " thank you for saving me there!" I expressed my gratitude towards to him in a form of shake hands. "Your face is not familiar, are you a new student?" I nodded. I asked him if he can show me the school for me or, "Can you tour me around in this campus." a smile form in his lips, "Let's go!" he shouted enthusiastically. He toured me in the rooms, facilities, auditorium, gym, and library. He even showed me his favorite spot in the school. "and that is the final list in our tour guide, is there anything that you want to ask, Mr...?" He look at me puzzled, "Oh, I am sorry. I'm Dominic, but you can call me Dom. How about you, I haven't caught your name before?" I threw the same question and look to him. "Oh, yeah! I'm sorry, my name is Nathan Cohen, but you can address me as Nate." He offered his hand again for a formal introductory and I obliged but the moment his name registered in my brain, I knew that this school will be an interesting year for me...

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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