Chapter 1

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Isabella p.o.v
I was ambling around the apartment building smiling as i recalled every inch of his face,i pouted thinking i should've been at that i could look for his pictures online,so that i could see the person i love.....Jayden wilson, as I can't do that in my phone strict parents you know

"Ahh my back" I didn't realised i just had bumped into someone "Are you okay grandma" i asked Being worried as i helped the old lady to stand up

"Yes my child I'm okay,did you got hurt anywhere" she asked being concerned "no I'm okay grandma" i smiled cheekily before walking away

I turned back to see the lady limping "here,let me help you" i placed her hands on my shoulder as she guided me to her room "there you go" i beamed as i sat her down on her bed

"Thankyou for helping me" she patted my head as if i was her grand-daughter "Are you here alone" i questioned raising my eyebrows "No,actually i moved in with my grandson here" i nodded looking at the picture on the lamp stand

"Look,he is my grandson" she handed me the photo frame of her and her grandson "why is he wearing a mask" i questioned with a confused look "ohh that.....actually he don't like clicking pictures without mask"
She paused for a while before she explained

I wonder why would someone hide his face even though just by staring at his eyes,i could say he must got some damn fine structures

"His eyes are beautiful aren't they" i snapped out of my thought,didn't realising i was staring at the photo frame for the whole time "yeah they are beautiful" i smiled awakardly

"Take care grandma,I'll take my leave now" as soon i turned i bumped on something as hard as rock but I didn't take much time for me to realise it was someone's chest

I raised my head only to see those eye which were so intimidating yet calm

"Who are you" i guess this must be her grandson but who wears a mask even at their own home?? "Oh sorry,I'm Isabella elsher and i helped your grandma to reach her room" he stared at me like he was suspicious of something but after some seconds he broke our eye contact

"Grandma,how many times do i have to tell you not to roam around here and there....what if something happens to you huh" his showed his concern in a deep husky voice but in a very low pitch

"Jezz,nothing will happen to me and beside if something do happens then I'm old enough to die" he hugged his grandma before she could further say anything "don't say such things grandma,you know that you are the only reason I'm still alive"

He do have a good relationship with his grandma "Isabella,try talking to him as i make coffe for you too...maybe you will become his first friend" mr.mask men's grandma grinned while walking away

I was looking here and there to make things less akward "who's that....on your phone's wallpaper" he asked while his eyes were glued to my phone's screen "ohh this....actually you can say i love him" i bitted my lower lip in nervousness

"I can say?!" He gave a weird look staring into my eyes "i mean i love this guy" i replied a akward smile plastered on my lips
"Oh,it means he is your boyfriend" (is he a sherlock holmes or something) i thought to myself before answering "no actually i love him but he don't know me" i answered him with a sad tone

"I think I know this guy" my eyes lit up at his statement "you do?" I replied being shocked and amazed "yes,i do.....he's such a jerk,i wonder how can a guy like him is a mafia king of the major family" i gave him a disgusted look "just shut up ok,you don't have any right to talk shit about my man"

I snarled at him with rage "my man huh" he muttered to himself with a smirk on his face but little did he know i heard it "he's a mafia,aren't you scared of him" he questioned making me sit confidently before speaking "why would i be scared to the person who i love"

"Love without fear is like a ship without it's rudder" he spoke staring directly into my soul through my body (Does he know that he isn't making any sense to me) "Anyways what's your name mister-" i was cutted off by his grandmother "here you go my kids" i watched his every move as he took a sip of his coffee

"Grandma,i guess i should get mother must be waiting for me" i thanked her for the coffee and turned to leave when i heard him saying "you'll get to know me,Once we meet again" i shurgged my shoulders and walked away from there

That man's eyes felt familiar or it can be deja vu

"Hello,yea....actually I'm in my apartment,what!!! right now??" I was shocked because my aunt called me and told me to go home immediately "is everything going good aunt june" i asked Being anxious "yes Isabella, everything's alright" she replied assuring me

I sighed in relief "ohk then I'm coming home" what is up with my aunt,we does she want me home all of a sudden "yeah love you too aunt june" i hanged up the call as i entered the elevator

Whole care ride i was just thinking what was this important that she told me to hurry

"Hey aunt" i embraced her with a smile "actually i want you to meet someone" she uttered as she sat me down on the couch "you want me to meet someone?" i gave her a confused reaction

Before i could process anything further someone entered the room with loud footsteps

I looked up only to meet those eyes again....those eyes like a clear Blue sky
(Him out of all the people) i thought as stared direct into his eyes not breaking the eye contact as he sat down

"We met again mr. Mask men" i announced with a blank expression but only to gain a chuckle from him "you know him Isabella?" My aunt questioned as she sat beside me "Ofcourse" we both replied at the same time

"I'm sorry Isabella that i didn't told you about all this.......but actually me and and your mom arranged your marriage" she said the last part with a very low tone but loud enough so that i could hear it this can't be happening,they know i already have someone i love

I got up from there and went outside to pick a call which was of my mother "do you really want me to do this,you know i can't do this for just some reputation you want back" i complained with disappointment

I hanged up and got back to the living room where everyone was sitting

I gazed towards that mask men only to see he had took off his mask but his back was facing me "so you finally threw that mask of yours" i said being amazed as i sat down the couch

My eyes widened at the view in front of me "J-Jayden wilson"

Guys please don't loose hope in me I'm sure this book will be better 😭✨
please don't be a silent reader do comment even one comment is enough for me to go on🥹🫶🏻😭

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