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Minho's pov

"Yeah, see ya" i said as i waved my hand at Lix. I had went to his house to study together for the exams.
"Come again at time, Minho. Ive solved many problems with you today." he said as he smiled. "I also did, thanks to you. I'll see you tomorrow~" i said as i finally went out of his house and of the building.

I was gonna take a bus to my home but then i suddenly noticed something was missing.
Something important, very important. I wondered what it was. I stopped walking and looked at my hand, unconsciously. The ring which my mom had given me..

was missing.

I started panicking out of nowhere. That was the most precious thing for me, of course. I just Couldn't lose it like that. I then called Felix, in case if i had dropped it in there.

"Yeah?" he answered.
"Lix, could you please check everything? I can't find my ring, i'm sure i was wearing it. Is it that i left it there?" i asked, acting in haste.
"woa rest assure, i'll look for it right now. Are you at the bus stop right now or did you go home?" he asked.
"At the bus stop," i replied. "Then go home, if i find it i'll be calling you. Go home and study, i'm sure i'll find it" he assured me but that wasn't actually gonna work. I was frustrated with myself, very.
"Yeah, make sure to call, okay? I'm sorry that you'll have to go through all that just for me," i said.
"Yeah yeah, it's okay since i was gonna arrange my room anyway. i'll hang up, don't worry" he said as he hung up.

Though he said he had been sure finding it, i wasn't satisfied until i actually had found it so i started walking from all the way i was coming. I started to look for it as i thought i could drop it somewhere on the streets.

"How can i lose it, fuck it" i mumbled to myself with frustration. I was furious on myself. How could i lose a precious thing? I was gonna find it matter what. While looking for it, i didn't notice the sky getting dark with clouds. It was gonna rain and yeah, i didn't have an umbrella either. My frustration was eventually killing me, as a result i didn't notice it.

I looked for it about an hour until i felt little rain drops on my skin, that's where i came back to my senses. I looked around and saw no one but people just minding their own business. I didn't give up, anyway. I was gonna look for it more. Until i found it.

But i couldn't.

"Shit.. I'm gonna kill myself" i said to myself as i sat on the bench of a nearby park, hopelessly. Thinking i would never find it. Felix hadn't called me either since then, sure he didn't find it and was scared to me, i knew. I didn't push it anyway. It eventually started to rain as i just sat there and got wet. Didn't move a single inch.
Why was i so frustrated and depressed about it? I didn't know it was that precious to me that it led me to crying. I couldnt feel my tears because of the rain but it was much better.
I felt my phone buzzing, suddenly.

I took it out and saw lix's text.

"Sorry Minho, i looked everywhere but i couldn't find it."

I knew, you didn't have to tell me anymore, i thought.

I looked down as i sighed. It wasn't heavy rain but it still got me wet, almost completely since i didn't move. Where was i gonna find it? Where do i look for it? I couldn't think less. I was so careless for that. The ring, it was the only thing which my mom had..
Left for me.

Which actually made me keep going. Which motivated me. Which gave me strength.

I continued crying without a sound as i stopped, when i heard someone's footsteps, coming towards me.

"Minho?" i heard a soft voice. I looked up to see Hyunjin out of the blue, with an umbrella. I was still crying, he could see. But i wasn't bothered.

"What is wrong with you, dumbass? Did you forget your way home or what?" he asked me as he pulled me by my arm and took me under his umbrella. "Gosh, you're so wet. You're gonna catch a cold for sure." he added as he frowned. I just remained silent, looking at him. He also stared at me for a while and yea, it did make me kinda uncomfortable so i had to speak up.

"Stop looking at me with those eyes," i said, no, i mumbled.
"What eyes?"

"Like you're worried about.. Me" i said looking away. "Yeah okay. Tell me what's wrong." he asked.
"I uh," i started. "It may sound childish i know, i just lost a precious ring of mine. Yeah, now laugh all you want" i said, still not looking at him.

"You mean this?" he asked as he showed me a ring out of nowhere, in fact, it was mine. I quickly grabbed it and looked at it, relieved.
"Where the fuck did you get this?" i asked, almost yelled actually.
"Woa, i was just going to the library. On my way i felt like i was stepping on something so i kind of wanted to check what it was, turned out it was a ring. Then i realized it was your ring. Wasn't quite sure if i should had taken it, but i did anyway." he explained.

"You're a crying mess, minho. I've never seen you like this." he added.
I remained silent and glared at him. Then i realized glaring at him was nothing more than a waste of time so i looked back at my ring and smiled.

"Why's that so precious that you became this total mess, searched for it everywhere i think and getting wet in the rain and not even going home, sitting here and crying like a fucking kid?" he asked as i sighed.

"It was given by my mom to me." i replied. "Oh, Interesting. It doesnt seem like she couldn't buy you another." he said as i looked at him, but with anger.

"She.. Passed away when i was 12." i added, then saw his face becoming dull.
"I'm glad, it's found. Really. I don't want to thank you but, thanks, i guess?" i added. All i heard was a 'hm' in reply.

"Shall we go to the bus stop or are you gonna stay here for the rest of the day?" he asked, not playfully but seriously.

I just nodded as we started for the stop.

We had been silent for a good while, until i spoke up.
"Where is your home?" i asked. "Somewhere" he said, not looking at me.

"Somewhere where?" i asked, again. This time he didn't answer. "Seems like you dont wanna talk. All you do is just mess with me and stuff that make me mad." i said.

"Chan doesnt even talk with you."

"Where did he come from?" i asked.
"It's just that the people you love, may not love you, too. Try accepting it, try being more selective." he said, still not looking at me.

"How are you so serious about it today? And i didn't even say his name once." i said. I was right. This time, he looked at me.

"None of your business to be honest. He will do nothing but break your heart. Don't think that i'm worried or something, it's just.." he stopped.


"The stop, we're here. Now i'll go. Stay here and wait for a bus to home." he said.

"You're gonna walk home after getting off of the bus at your stop, aren't you?" he asked as i nodded.
"Ah, it seems like it's gonna rain heavily later." he said as he handed me his umbrella.

"See you, tomorrow, at school. I'm sorry about all that stuff i told you, didn't know about the ring." he said.

"I don't need.. An umbrella, i'm already wet." i said but he didn't listen and walked away, getting wet in the way.

Is he, anyhow, somehow, in anyway, jealous of chan?

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