chapter 1

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Buck was looking after Christopher while Eddie was out at an appointment. They made lunch and are now playing snakes and ladders.

"Buck you really like my dad don’t you" Christopher asked while moving his piece up a ladder.

"of course I do buddy he his my best friend apart from you" buck replied grinning at him

"Good a girl Was introducing her friend from another class and I was wondering what she meant by really like but it makes sense now as she was her best friend" Chris said smiling up at buck while over taking him on the board.

"oh yeah definitely your dad is my best friend" Buck Chuckled.

Eddie was so fed up Bobby and the department had made him have so many check ups and counselling sessions after he got trapped saving the boy down the well, but he was happy this was the last of them and he was cleared start back on Monday. Right now though he just love walking in a bit early and seeming Buck and Christopher playing.

"so who’s winning?" Eddie said making him self known standing in the doorway.

"Of course he is I can never beat him at any game we play" Buck exclaimed pretending to sound frustrated.

"I’m just that good" Christopher said giving Eddie the cutest little smile.

"you bet you are mijo" Eddie said now going to join them sat down.

"hey how did it go have I got my partner back" Buck said with a slight concerned look on his face 

"yep of course all cleared back to 118 Monday" Eddie said almost smugly.

"Awesome couldn’t have dealt with your cover for much longer" said giving off a laugh then locking eyes with Eddie for just a fraction too long. 

"Well It’s been fun hanging out with you dude but I afraid I gotta head out but I will see you soon ok"Buck said pulling Chris up into a massive bear hug. "Sorry that I can’t stick around Maddie needs help with something while Chim is out but I will see you Monday" Buck now talking to Eddie.

"yeah of course I’ll see you Monday" Eddie replied as they did the classic bro hug as Buck left.


Later that evening Eddie was tucking Christopher in to bed asking him a bout his day.

"you really liked hanging out with Buck today didn’t you?" He asked after chris had just finished talking non-stop about his time with Buck.

"yeah I like him, he said he really likes you as well" Chris said beaming up at him.

"of course he’s my best friend I would hope he likes me" Eddie said a bit puzzled.

"he said he likes you the way my friend in class and a her girlfriend like each other when I asked him" Chris explained with a slight cheeky grin forming.

"really did he say anything else" Eddie asked a bit less puzzled but needing more information.

"nope he said that you were his best friend then I asked him about my friends and said it was like that as well." Chris said shutting his eyes to go to sleep.

"Ok well good night buddy love you lots" Eddie said placing a kiss to his forehead 

"night dad love you too" Chris then replied pulling Eddie in for a quick hug.


Eddie’s mind was reeling from what Christopher had just said. Did Buck have feelings for him? For how long if so? And did he feel the same for Buck? Before he knew it his stream of questions was interrupted by a knock at the door. It was Buck. Eddie began to freak out he thought he would have more time to digest this information and come up with answers before he had to face Buck again but here he was and he obviously couldn’t send him away he is his best friend after all,  so Eddie opened the door.

"Hey thought you might want to celebrate a bit" Buck with a massive smile on his face said gesturing towards the pack of beers in his other hand.

"Hey yeah of course I’m always up for beer" Eddied said returning the smile.

"Is Chris down for the night?" Buck asked obviously noticing his absence.

"Yeah actually he said something really random when I was putting him down actually" Eddie replied taking the beer Buck was now holding out for him.

"Really what did he say love the things your kid comes out with."Buck said with a little laugh obviously remembering something else that Chris had said before.

"so he sort of said that you were talking about friends earlier and that you said you like me the way one of his friend likes their girlfriend like you have feeling for me" Eddie said hands shaking at every but was trying to be brave and get it out in the open. At this Buck nearly spat out the mouthful of beer he had. 

"erm I want to be honest with you it’s sort of true we were talking about friends today he asked if I really liked you and asked about his friends and said that they were best friends he did not say they were girlfriends the little cheek but .... " Buck said now taking a sharp breath in steadying his nerves " I think I might have feelings for you I just have never wanted to tell you for fear of losing you and Chris you guys mean so much to me and I ..."

This time Buck was stopped because his mouth covered by Eddie’s. Almost immediately they both sank into the kiss.

Eddie then pulled a way and rested his forehead against Bucks "Eddie what ... what was that?" Buck breathed out.

"If I’m going to be honest as well I’m not sure I just know You have obviously crossed my mind in that way a few times but I didn’t really think about until Chris was talking this evening. I’m gonna admit at first I freaked out but standing here watch you ramble about me and Chris just knowing you were here in general just for me I knew how I felt" Eddie said pulling Buck in to a passionate kiss again feeling every bit of love poured into in each kiss. 

"are you sure Eddie I can’t lose you and Chris. You don’t want me trust me" Buck said on the brink of tears 

"I have never been more sure on anything in my life, You won’t lose me and Chris we will always be there and I do want you I think just this once I won’t trust" Eddie said pulling Buck on to an intimate embrace tucking Bucks head in his

later that evening Chris comes out of his room to ask for some water and sees Eddie and Buck asleep tangled in an embrace on the sofa and he knew his plan had worked.

2 times Chris 'accidentally' outs Buck and Eddie Where stories live. Discover now