6 months

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pls forgive me if this isn't that good, this is my first time righting a fanfic. 


          Luffy had told Zoro and Sanji to go scout out an area on Wano that they had to know the layout of for the attack that was soon to happen on Kaido. This was met with protest from Sanji and Zoro, but the captains orders are the captains orders, what can they do? 

           They were walking around the area, making sure to memorize turns, buildings, and faces. Both of them walked in complete silence aside from some nagging comments at each other when Zoro walked the wrong way of where they were supposed to be going. Just after Zoro had made yet ANOTHER wrong turn, they had found themselves right in front of a Daimyo of Wano, sitting at a restaurant, drinking sake many young women. Sanji looked at the Daimyo, looked at Zoro, and hit him him right over the top of his head.

"Good going Zorojuro! you took another wrong turn!" trying to play it off as if they were just average citizens. As Zoro realized the Daimyo he turned around and said in a not-so convincing tone,

"Oh! yes you are correct Sangoro!" and turns around calmy while giving a angry glance at Sanji.

"Wait" said the Daimyo in a demanding tone. "One with the green hair, I feel that I have seen you somewhere..." 

Zoro turned around as Sanji was Whispering to him saying to just let it be. 

"oh ya?" Zoro asks in a confronting tone.

"Yes! you're the one that killed that Daimyo a couple weeks ago!" He turns around to his body guard, "I saw him on the wanted poster! we have to detain them"

            The body guard called over the others from the shadows. Usually Sanji and Zoro could handle this, but Robin had specifically told them to not get involved in any trouble because it would ruin the operation and give away their intensions. They decided to fight the arrest a little bit so that they would look like average citizens of Wano, but in the end they were detained and sent into a jail cell. 

           The sound of the jail cell closing and locking scared Sanji. It reminding him of the childhood that he so desperately tried to forget after leaving Wholecake island for the second time. He looked to the person that was locking the door and swore that he saw his father for a split second. Sanji let out a shallow sigh and sat down onto the cold stone ground. With that Zoro looked over at him an noticed the nervous movement of his hand tapping rhythmically on his knee. He had seen Sanji nervous before, but did not understand why he was right now. They had been locked up by enemies many times before this and he had never acted like this. 

           Sanji felt as if he was back in that jail cell with the heavy metal mask on his face, making it hard to breath. He started to hyperventilate quietly as he was unwillingly shown the memories of being beat by his brothers and father. He brought his knees to his chest in a failed attempt to hide his fear from his crewmate. Sanji lifted his head, took out a cigarette, and tried to light it with his shaky hands. He couldn't get it to light. Zoro kept on looking over seeing the cigarette, the shaky hands, and the quivering flame of the lighter. He made his way over to Sanji and bent down, taking the lighter. He lit the lighter and held the cigarette still while he lit it for Sanji. Sanji whispered a small thank you and took a long drag of the cigarette. Zoro frowned even more than he usually is at the realization that Sanji could only take a deep breath if he was smoking. 

           Zoro sat down next to him and questioned Sanji,

"What's the matter Cook?" Zoro looked at the stone floor. He didn't want Sanji to think that he was worried, but he also thought about what Luffy would have said if he saw Zoro just sit there and not try to help. 

          Sanji shook his head and took another drag of his cigarette. He didn't know why he was so scared, but he was. 

"I don't know, I think-" Sanji started to think back on the six months that he was locked in that cell below his families castle. He began to hyperventilate again. His hands started to move towards Zoro. Zoro looked at his hands and knew what he was asking for. He had seen Luffy act this way after he had woke up from a nightmare once. Zoro looked over to the cook and saw tears collecting in his eyes. As he noticed this he felt Sanji's arms rap around his body. Zoro wasn't one for hugs but he knew that Sanji was scared and nervous for some reason. begrudgingly, he hugged Sanji back. Hugging someone is supposed to make someone feel better, but Sanji started to full on cry now.  

"Hey! don't get my shirt wet Cook!" Zoro whisper yelled down at Sanji. 

"I'm sorry..." Sanji mutters into Zoro's shoulder. They sat there for a while. Occasionally Zoro would hear Sanji sob for a second, and quickly go back to just softly crying. He also Noticed the slight shaking that had taken over the cooks body. 

        After he had calmed down enough to start noticing his surroundings as a normal jail cell, and not the one that he had spent so much  time in as a child, Sanji realized how pathetic he was being in front of Zoro; the man who was his rivel, the man who he hated. But he also noticed how Zoro wasn't pushing him away or yelling at him. Sanji pulled away from Zoro and wiped his eyes, taking another puff from the cigarette that he forgot was in his hand. Sanji took a deep breath and spoke,

"When I was younger..." He stopped to look up at Zoro to see if he was listening.

"Go on-" Zoro told Sanji

"When I was younger, my father held me in a prison and faked my death because I wasn't strong enough to be his son. I also started to cook; He said that my cooking was only good enough for the rats. When my brothers would beat and kick me, my father and sister would just stand by and watch." Sanji was looking at the ground the whole time. He was questioning himself on why he was telling Zoro all this; He hadn't even told Luffy, and he's telling Zoro? 

"Why are you just starting to be scared of jail cells now?" Zoro asked in a confused, but unthreatening way.

"well-" Sanji took another long drag from the cigarette, "I think that the memories resurfaced because of what happened with the wedding about a month ago. Seeing my family brought back these memories that I had suppressed. Being thrown in this cell, the cold floors, the sound of the door locking; It all brought me back to the six months that I spent in that cell as a young boy." Sanji's breath started to slow down now after talking through it.

"Ok... are you feeling better?" Zoro asked while looking down, embarrassed that he even cared.

"Yes, I am, thank you... WAIT WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE" Sanji started to come back to his senses and was embarrassed that he had just cried in front of Zoro and also told him all of that. 

"I DON'T,  I- I JUST- I know that Luffy would have been mad if he found out that you were crying and I didn't even bat an eye." Zoro yelled at Sanji while standing up and moving to go sit somewhere farther away from him.    

"Ok, well- thank you" Sanji said while going to lay down on his side, facing away from Zoro. 

Zoro watched him lay down and wondered if he was really ok. "Ya, sure"


Writers note:

Sorry if the ending is a little lack-luster.. I didn't know how to end it. 

Thank you sm for reading <3

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