Just a Quarrel

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It all started with a fight at the grocery store parking, my car was scratched designedly by my enemy's auto keys- I had yet to get the insurance for it.

"What the hell do you think you did there?!" I was boiling in anger while he was standing there with a sly smirk on his innocent-looking face.

"Oh honey I did nothing, your car came in the way of my keys." He simply shrugged his shoulders and turned to leave- how insolent of him, I rushed towards him, and without caring about the crowd that has gathered around us, I turned him to face me and punched him in his face making his face bleed, he stumbled back and there was a pole next to him where he hit his head making an ugly sound and fainted.

This was the moment I realized what I had done, the crowd that was gathered around me gasped out loud, and in a short while the ambulance was there while I was still shocked about what I had just done. The EMTs lifted him onto the stretcher and the only thing that I felt right at that moment was going with them in the ambulance.

After reaching the hospital and him getting the checkups, it was about an hour when the doctor came out from his room and I rushed over to him asking him about the person I just knocked out. "Who are you to the patient?" he asked me eyeing me suspiciously. I was fumbling with my fingers and nervously lied to him, "I- I am his girlfriend." He nodded and then informed me that it was nothing serious but from the looks of it, it seemed as if someone had hit him brutally in his face which someone had...that someone being me, he also told me that the police will be here at any moment to take his statement about what happened. I asked the doctor if I could meet him now to which he gave me a permit, and now I have to convince him to not send me behind the bars.

I entered his room and saw him lying on the bed, his face had a bandage covering his nose along with his left cheek, his eyes shut and his mouth slightly open showing his partially crooked teeth. I scurried over to his bedside and sat on the stool gazing at him, after what felt like a year he finally woke up, he frowned his eyebrows and scrunched his nose at the sight of me, and turned his back on me as if he saw something ugly. I walked over to the other side and this reaction was different, he was looking at me as if he saw anything celestial, his eyes wide opened and a small gasp left his mouth.

"I wasn't seeing things...I thought getting my head hit in the pole made my half-crazy brain go completely mad...but seems that's not the case."

"Yeah, I AM here to see you...I know that we are not on good terms and I am really sorry about what I did to you, I let my anger take the best of me but I don't want to be behind the bars this young, look I will compensate you any way you ask me to but just DON'T give me out to the cops." As I was done with all my pleading there was a knock on the door and the next moment the cops were getting his statement, the statement which I never expected...

"It was just a quarrel between me and my girlfriend and I was at the fault she had nothing to do with it and I want you to not take it seriously. I am fine and any interference from this situation will ruin the wedding I have in a month." The cops smiled at us and then made their way out while I was still absorbing the news, was he really getting married? Who is she, he's going to marry? Wait, is he going to...

"What did you think of me proposing to you? Honey that's not gonna happen anywhere soon, and I want you to be my servant for a month, also to put you at ease I just lied there."

It's been a year since we are married now...and to think of the past it's still unbelievable.

Just a Quarrelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें