We Fell in Love through Music

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Alatus. He was the hottest Idol soloist who is on par with Idol groups now these days. There were rumors that he may end up joining the well known Idol group Anemo and form units with the current active members. Those were just rumors as Alatus has yet to come out with a statement to clarify that rumor. They were all from the same company so it wasn't a big stretch that it was possible. 

 You were running late to school. Your side job took more time then you thought. You were running through the crowd to get to the crosswalk before it changes to red. You barely make it to the 5 second countdown left. Then you mad dash to school and make it before the gates closed. You pant as you get to your classroom and sit down. You were quite bummed though. Your best friend (name whoever you want from the game) approaches you and laughs at you for nearly being late. Then the door slams open again which everyone in the room flinches. It felt like the room just froze over. 

 There stood the new transfer student who just arrived at the start of this new year. Xiao. He was handsome but also seemed to have a gloom and edgy aura to him. His dark teal hair was very unique. His bangs always covers his face which gives him a more mysterious aura. Girls had try to strike up a conversation with him, thinking he was a lone wolf prince who could be easily charmed. They learned the hard way that he didn't appreciate their attention. From there on, no one bothered with him. The only one who he allowed to interact with him was you. Even you yourself don't understand why he's willing to be civil with you when he treats everyone else like air. Probably because of the food. 

"Morning Xiao." You greet him. He nods back to you with a quiet hello from him. His seat was directly in front of you. Your best friend awkwardly stood there and then remembered why he/she came to harass you."Were you able to get the tickets!?" Your best friend was excited to hear your answer."No they sold out before I even got to the front of the line. Why did they sell Alatus's concert ticket in only hard copy form. Now these days there are digital tickets but apparently the venue is unique so they didn't want people faking digital tickets to get in." You complained. 

Xiao paused in mid motion of opening his bag, overhearing what you both were talking about. 

"Of course his tickets would be sold out! He's the hottest soloist right now! His voice is unique and the way he sings is so captivating! Too bad you couldn't get the tickets." Your best friend pats your shoulder to comfort you and you thank him/her. The bell rang and you say goodbye to your best friend since their classroom was down the hall. You sigh again in defeat. There was a secret that even you haven't told your best friend. And you were going to keep it that way. 

The morning classes were over and lunch came around. You pull out a notebook that had a lock on it along with two tied up bento boxes. Your best friend has question you about that notebook before and have tried to take it to read. But you flipped out and a fight broke out between you two because of the notebook. From then on, your best friend never mentions that notebook anymore. The only answer you could give him/her is that it was related to your side job you had and it was confidential. It could jeopardize your contract with your work place. That's when he/she gave up on trying to find out more. Your friendship was more important then prying into your private life. 

That notebook was your composition of samples of inspiration for producing music. You were a music producer. It's been your side job since your middle school years. You really loved music and your parents were also in the musical industry. An accident took them away from you. But your parents left you quite a fortune which you used to buy your studio to create content. You sold your samples online and never really made it big for about a year. Then a company reached out to you and asked you to be their exclusive music producer for their upcoming star. You were surprised at the offer at first. When you went to meet them with your legal advisor Yanfei and your guardian (choose who you like), the contract was quite fair and reasonable. Plus you got a share of the premiums from the sales too. It was a good deal for you. 

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