Luke Black

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-Luke Sirius Black

-The Sliver Wizard


-Wood: Elder (very rare,only one other wand has Elder which is the Elder Wand)

- Core: Sliver Phoenix Feather combined with a Basilisk Horn (First ever wand that has a combined core making Luke's wand to be the very first,which his wand is a little more powerful than Harry's Wand)

House: Gryffindor

Other Weapon: a enchanted sword given to Luke by his great ancestors,the blade is called Orcrist

Species: Human

Blood Status: Pure Blood

Animagus: Ukrainian Ironbelly

Companion: A sliver and white Phoenix named Burn


Father: Sirius Black
Mother: Unknown

-Harry Potter
-Hermione Granger
- Ron Weasley
-Neville Longbottom
-Fred Weasley
-George Weasley
-Seamus Finnigan
-Dean Thomas
-Oliver Wood

-Professor Albus Dumbledore
-Professor Severus Snape
-Professor Minerva Mcgonagall
-Professor Pythor Chumsworth
-Professor Acidicus Verlice
-Professor Skales Nightingale
-Professor Nice Aspheera
-Sybill Trelawney
-Rubeus Hagrid
-Argus Filch

-Lord Voldemort
-Draco Malfoy
- Lucius Malfoy
-Death Eaters

Patronus: Ukrainian Ironbelly (Small size)

Fears: Snakes,like Nagini

Luke can also hear snakes (More specifically Nagini) speak even though he isn't a Parselmouth

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