episode 1 & 2

522 13 0

(your on season 15)

im getting ready to walk into the workroom i walk in

Y/N: catchphrase

i hear all the other girls laugh i walk over and see luxx we have been online freinds for a while she hugs me an i start to talk

Y/n: hi im Y/d/n im originally from london but i moved here late 2019

aura: your accent is cool

luxx: this look is everything

irine: your hair is cool is it human

y/n: its my natural hair so technically yes

irine: its your natural hair

y/n: yes

the next girl walks in and om is that Sasha Colby

Anetra: omg is that sasha colby

sasha: period

she poses ans shes so ethereal like im so gay and she is so pretty. she walks over to us

sahsa: hi

Y/n: hi

she smiles at me and shakes my hand. suddenly the rumail goes off . We all walk over to it and then get ready for the photo shoot. I go out and struggle to get cute photos seeing as they seem to want to spray the water straight into my mouth but I eventually get a decent photo. I walk back into the workroom and straight away get out of my wet clothes and get a hairdryer out and try to dry my hair. Sasha walks in

Sasha: omg it's freezing
Inrene: shasha are your nipple's hard as rocks
Sasha: censor

Once we are all out of drag and my hair mainly dry we talk about how we aren't nervous about the other group. Ru comes in and tells us Irene won the mini challenge. We then have to go and choreograph the opening number. Someone asked if anyone choreographs and me aura Marcia and Sasha say we all can but Marcia and aura keep fighting for control

Sasha: they really can't agree
Y/n: I feel like if it was us we would at least be a bit better at agreeing

Sasha then laughs as aura starts to but us in positions. Suddenly Ru walks in. We are nowhere near ready for this we barely have routine. She then introduces us to another 8 girls

Great because that's just what our number needs more people

I see sugar and spice and we had been friends for a few months and they both are the sweetest but as we sit down to talk as a group the girls all seem to be piling up on them and I feel really bad

Y/n: I think that if people can only use social media to showcase their drag then they have to have it as an outlet
Malaysia: well it needs to translate to performing
Y/n: yes but it comes with experience and that's a thing not everyone gets to do
Malaysia: so you haven't since you turn 21 in 2019 so won't have had much time
Y/n: no as I've been in clubs since I was 18 but my drag kids hadn't been able and use social media to express and show off their drag
Mistress: well just have to see thought
Aura: should we get back to rehearsals
Sasha: this will be fun

We go to the stressful rehearsals

There are way to many chefs in this kitchen and omg we just need to get this rehearsals just going

We finally get done with rehearsals
And go back to the hotel

(The next day in the workroom)

we all walk in and i get the station closest to the fabric wall and also Sasha Colby. i do my makeup as far away from the other girls and me and Sasha end up sitting next to each other

y/n:so what are you doing as your talent

sasha: a lipsync

y/n: that cool

sasha: you?

y/n: singing

sasha: oooo a brave feat

y/n: i sing a lot im also gonna play the guitar

sahsa: im exited to see it

we are all in full drag and sugar and spice are still getting ready and i hope they get ready in time. we do the performance and get ready for are talent. as we all sit in our chairs we watch all the performances but before i know it its my turn and i sing a song

i feel really good about my song and i walk back to sit next to sasha

sasha: wow that was really good

y/n:thanks im exited for your performance

we watch a few more and then its sashas performance and i love this song and the meaning behind it. the way sasha moves her body is so interesting.

(time skip to untucked)

i was was called safe im disappointed because i feel like i could have done better. i get to the lounge and everyone is talking about how everyone underestimated the twins

y/n: i didn't

mistress: what

y/n: underestimate them i didn't do that

spice: yep you did and we didn't get to say thanks for that so thank you

sugar: yeah also you should not be safe

y/n: its fine people were better then me and they were the ones up there

Sasha: i don't believe that i think you were the best and should have won so i know im not Ru Paul but i hope my opinion counts for something

y/n: yeah thanks sash

Sasha: sash i like that

we all sit there and he top and bottom queens talk about their placements and while they do that Sasha takes a hold of my hand and starts rubbing circles into it. we have to go back to the main stage and we stand together and we watch as Irene and amethyst are fighting for their live. amethyst win and we walk back to the workroom and as we are getting out of drag me and Sasha start to talk

Sasha: you know meant it

y/n: meant what

Sasha: that i think you should have won your voice is so beautiful and you looked so good in both of your outfits it was all just so good and as i said i'm no Ru Paul and i don't have to money to give but i hope you understand how brilliant i think you are

y/n: thanks Sasha i think your beautiful too

Sasha: why thank you

she comes and hugs me. her hugs are are so nice and she then kisses the top of my head and i'm on cloud nine

Sasha: good luck on next week

y/n: good luck to you too

we go back to the hotel and i sit there alone with my thoughts had Sasha Colby really just kissed my head or was i just imagining it. then i suddenly hear a knock on the door i look through the peep hole and i see her i quickly open the door and pull her in

y/n: you know you shouldn't be here

Sasha: oh well i wanted to see you

y/n: why do you want to see me

Sasha: well all i can think of is what happened in the workroom and i just want to talk to you

she sits next to me on the bed and holds my hand as we lean in and share the best kiss ever. i wish it could last forever.

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