what the chesse?! 🧀🧀🧀

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Evening the game whole....

" awwww, man! Even they get invited to parties. " Howard whines watching the small pixaled people dance on screen. The pair we're sat on an arcade motorcycle, big enough for the two to sit comfortably on. Stll, as Howard complains, he wraps his arms around Randy's waist as if they we're both on the real thing. " I hear you, big H, this whomps." Randy agrees, not even really paying attention to Howard as he leans into him. It didn't really matter if Howard held on to him or not while they played. This was only an arcade game it wasn't like they we're actually moving, and all they could really do was lean left to right as the screen played out a scene of an open road.

Flute girl had kicked them out of her quote unquote party. " You guyssss are idiotssss!" She hissed through her braces as she closed her front door behind them, leaving the two right back on the front porch. With little option left, the two abandoned the party and went to the game whole. At least they we're always welcome here, Randy would think as they made their way past the snack stand and down stairs to the actual games themselves. It was quite in the game whole, though it never was very busy. Norrisville was a small town, and this was just another small arcade that no one would hear about unless you had lived there your whole life like Randy and Howard had. They saw kids from school sometimes, mainly the bad geeks and nerds that we're currently at, flute girls' party.

" Well, at least we have each other." Howard laughed as he pressed his cheek next to Randy's playfully, giving him puppy dog eyes. Randy laughs along and decides to restart the game, maybe because they had nowhere else to be, but mostly because he just didn't have the heart to move Howard.

Howard stayed on Randy's shoulder a few seconds longer than normal as the game started again. He could feel his friends hands tightening around his small waist, and though it wasn't uncomfortable, it did make him curious. " You okay there, bud?" Randy asks, flickering his eyes to Howard, who was still resting on his shoulder." Hmm?" Hums and suddenly loosens his grip." Oh, ehhh.. sorry, cunningham. I guess I zoned out. " he chuckled nervously, now leaning back on to the seat of the bike, Randy had to admit he felt bad. He hadn't meant to push him away or anything.. " it's cool," he shurgs with a smile and turns back to the game, " You can do that if you want." Randy shyly adds, tilting the bike to the right suddenly. Howard grips to the sides of the bike, to stubborn to go right back to his original position, but it didn't work as well as holding on to his friend...

Now tilting to the left, Howard can feel himself sliding " careful cunningham!" Howard snips at him, trying to hold himself steady." Well, hold on then!" Randy answers back a bit smugly." I am holding on!" He argues trying to get a better grip on the back seat but his tiny hands don't seem to let him. Randy rolls his eyes before snapping the bike as far to the right as possible. " waaa! Woah!" Howard yelps almost falling off but manages to catch himself on Randy's waist with one of his hands. " what the cheese man! I almost fell off!" Howard takes his other hand to Randy's waist now as he leans forward again grumpiness in tone, " sorry dude.. " Randy smiles giving him a bit of knowing look as he straightens the bike back up " cunningham! You did that on purpose. " Howard narrows his eyes and tries to sound mad, but he can't help but smile. Randy doesn't answer but gives a warm half smile as he feels his friend starting to relax again and lean more into his back. " Thanks.." He hears Howard mumble, holding tightly again as if in a hug;


Later in the food court

" Nachos for my bro!" Randy proudly states, putting down the big basket of nachos on the table in front of Howard. "Your treat? " Howard asks " it's always my treat" Randy answers with a slight chuckle as he sits " and that's my treat" Howard answers rather sweetly before taking a handful of nachos and eating them whole. Randy, on the other hand, took a singular chip that was covered in cheese and examined it for a moment as Howard continued to chow down " What's eating you?" Howard asks his mouth still half full, " I don't know.. just thinking. Like you back on the bike" he pauses " what we're you thinking about?" He asks, still curious to why Howard hac zoned out like that. It was unlike him, " I don't know man " Howard shurgs eating another hand full of nachos " just how it whomps not being in that lame party" he adds " oh..." Randy mumbles taking a few chips. Both eating in silence " what we're you thinking about?" Howard asks, this makes Randy freeze slightly " ehhh, nothing. It doesn't matter " he tries to move on, " Come on cunningham! You can tell me anything! I mean we've been talking baths together since we we're 3" he jokes. " it's ehh.. the party like you said but you're right it was lame" Randy looks off to the side but Howard Is't done with his questions yet " is it because that Theresa girl was there? " He prods, but Randy looks confused by this. " did you want to try and dance with her again?" Howard asks, " no..." Randy admits looking down at the nachos.

" I already promised I wasn't going to let a girl get in-between us again" he reminds him, eating more. " cunningham..." Howard looks at him sympathetic " you don't have to keep that promise if your into her" he tells him " I'm not..." Randy pauses and breaths " look theresa is nice and she smells like rainbows but..." Randy bits his lip " but?" Howard edges on, now stopping eating to listen. " there's someone else.." Randy blushes at this his checks turning pink " oh cunningham you dog!" Howard laughs " anyone I know?" Howard's wiggles his eyebrows at him that makes Randy blush even deeper " ehh, yeah.. I think you know them" Randy looks sick at this point like there was something eating him up. " Hey dude, you don't have to talk about this you know " Howard Comforts him, reaching out to touch his hand slighty. Randy breaths and his blush starts to fade " yeah.. I know dude" he slides his hand into Howard's for a moment. Though this would be considered odd by most people, the two would often hold hands and though Randy would never admit it having Howard's small hand in his own made him feel better.


Even later by Randy's house

" thanks for listening bud" Randy thanked Howard " don't be going all sappy on me cunningham" Howard's laughs and gives Randy a pat on the shoulder. " You know, party or not it's always totally juice with my best bud" Howard's says with a smile before the two start giggling all over again " ohh Howard, your too much my man" Randy whipes away an imaginary tear but deep down they both know it's true. " Well, I better head in" Randy says pointing behind him to his house. He turns towards the door but can't even get a step in before in " wait cunningham! " He graps Randy by the sleeve and turns Randy to fade him. Both locking eyes...

" Randy..." He says softly grabbing his other wrist " yeah bud?" Randy almost whispers bringing his face closer to Howard's " the crush you we're talking about..." Howard pulls him in even closer only a few inches from his nose " is it my sister?"He asks seriously and Randy can't help but laugh " what! No!" He even snorts from the laughing, Howard looks relieved but he doesn't let go and gives a sigh." Good.." He says, looking down for a moment. " though she does look kind of hot in a certain light.." Randy sniggers " What!!" Howard snaps giving a soft punch to Randy's arm " you stay away from her cunningham!" He playfully scolds shaking him slightly " okay... okay!"Randy laughs holding on to Howard shoulders for stability.

" Howard seriously... it's not her" Randy says putting a hand on Howard's cheek, as the he looks into his eyes once more. " then who is it!?" Howard demands keeping his eye's on Randy, he smiles down at him his checks flush again " I thought that was obvious big H" Randy leans down slightly " well.. it's not! So just.. tell me!" He grips Randy tighter desperation coming into his voice. Randy leans down putting his hand once more on Howard's cheek with a certain look in his eyes" cunningham... what are you..."

Before Howard can even finish his sentence he finds his lip connecting with the other. And everything just shuts off.. it's like Howard is walking on air everything is dark but bright at the same time, he doesn't know exactly to do... but his body seems to work for him as he brings Randy ever closer kissing him softy as he closed his eye's.

The kiss only lasted a minute but it brought a lifetime of questions as they pulled apart. Coming back to reality Howard speaks before he can even think " it's... it's me!!" Howwrd gasps still in Randy's imbrace " hehe.. yeah" Randy blushes, " I wanted to tell you..." He tries to explain but words don't seem to come to him " what do you think?" He asks nervously and Howard checks now turn rosey " cunningham..." he's almost speechless, a million emotions rush through his body but one seems to simmer at the top. " Come here!" He pulls on Randy's shirt to bring him into another kiss, this one melts and feels like a wave crashing onto shore, bedore pulling apart once more " of course I like you you shoob!!" He grins at Randy, a smile that seems to reach his eyes. " what? R...really?" Randy stammers " of course! I mean we're already half dating! We hold hands like all the time!" He states now taking Randy's hands. " but... but, then why didn't you say anything?" He questions, " honestly I thought you we're more into Theresa, plus with the whole ninja thing you've been kind of busy" he shurgs playfully and the both giggle at each other.

" I'll always have time for you big H" Randy smiles " I know you cheese!" Howard kisses his hand " that's why you're my ninja " Howard's cheeks glow as he brings Randy into their 3rd yet certainly not last kiss.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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