Be this lucky

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It was around 5 pm me bruce were hanging out in my room. My mom came in the room and said "can you take care of ur sister and brother me and your dad are going out for a dinner date." I looked over at Bruce he nodded. " ya sure just tell us when your leaving" After 5 mins she came into the room "we are leaving now"  we went down stairs we saw that they had already left. Bruce you get my little brother "ok love" he picked up  my brother and but him on his shoulders I giggled. I picked up my sister caring her. "Cmon love let's go upstairs and play with them" ok mi Vida we went upstairs and laid there with them on us being able to see the tv obvi. My sister was falling asleep but not my brother he was on Bruce's shoulders Bruce was running with him on his shoulders then he said "let's go outside please please please please please" ok fine love I put her in my hands while she was sleeping not wanting her to be alone just in case anything ( you never know I left my brother on the couch he fell on his head 💀) he starting running like crazy.I stared at him thinking how could I be this lucky he's perfect he's eyes,smile,likes my family,takes care of these kids like his siblings he's perfect. After playing outside for 20 minutes we went back out side both of my siblings asleep. We laid on my bed staring at him and his beautiful eyes I said "how did I ever get so lucky" you lucky no way ur the most perfect person ever I'm so incredibly honored" 


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