Part 1

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I love you, Shota, more than air itself.

As soon as he read the first line of the message you had just sent him, he felt his heart drop into his stomach. All the sounds of his class went quiet in his mind and all he could do was hold onto the wall as he nearly fell from the fear that slowly ate away at him.

“Mr. Aizawa? You don’t look good, are you alright?” Mina asked him and he found himself unable to answer, however, just by simply looking at her, she knew something was indeed wrong.

He didn’t give a single word to the class before he grabbed his keys and ran out the door, thankfully spotting Hizashi in the hallway and yelling to get his attention. “Dude you alright?”

“I need you to watch the class- it’s (Y/N), something not right-”

“Go, go I got it.” Hizashi ushered him off quickly, knowing that something serious was going on. He’d never seen that look of fear in his friends face before; or at least, not for a long time.

I love you, Shota, more than air itself.

The message repeated in his head as he got into his car, the pain in his leg unbearable as he was still getting used to the prosthetic, but the though of losing you was crushing him by the second.

“C'mon,” he growled as his car took its sweet time starting up before he peeled out of the parking lot.

This year has been the worst year of our lives. With friends dying and the villains taking more and more life out of our lives, I just find it harder to hold on.

“Move!” Shota shouted, honking at a car in front of him that was going too slow for his liking and he swerved around it, barely clearing a yellow light before it turned red.

I know it’ll be hard to forgive me for this but understand that you are all I have, yet I feel you slipping out of my grasp every day. I thought that if I resigned from being a hero, and lived like a normal woman that I would find peace with everything; but it only made me want to break further.

“Please, god, don’t take her too, I can’t lose her,” Shota sped through the roads, trying to find the location of where you were through his phone as he maneuvered through the traffic. He could feel his throat closing up and every fiber of his being was screaming at him that he needed to hurry.

By the time you get this, I’m going to be gone. I swear to you that if I thought it would get better, I would’ve stayed. I love you more each passing day but I know that reality is killing you too.

“Please, please, please,” He chanted like a prayer, tears pricking in his eye as he halted to a stop at the abandoned bridge where you first met. At first he didn’t see you and it made his heart sink with a black fear clawing at his throat; yet as he threw the car door open he caught a glimpse of your hair blowing in the wind as you stood on top of the railing, looking out across the water.

I’ll be with Nemuri soon and I’ll wait for you always. I love you Shota.

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