New York Zero

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"C'mon Morales! Fight back you wimp!"

"Not this shit again. I've been here for half a year and it's the same every damn day."

"I'm just trying to get to my class man, leave me alone." Miles told the bully.

"Nah, you're more fun to push around!"

And with a shove Miles was sent onto the ground with his papers and books flying everywhere, some even landing in puddles and becoming unreadable.

"I'm sick of this shit."

"HEY! Why don't you pick on someone your own size asshole!"

The bully turned to me and pointed me out from the crowd.

"Oh, so the loner speaks up finally. What makes you so sure you wanna call me out like that?"

I just dropped my bag, walked up to him and laid a solid punch across his jaw sending him to the ground.

"And next time I'll be sure a tooth comes out."

With that said I walked over and picked my bag up as I headed to my next class which was P.E.

"Awesome, another lesson of sitting around and doing nothing." I said to myself.

"You could always do some homework you know." A voice next to me said.
I looked beside me and saw her.

"Shoulder length dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and a pierced eyebrow. You must be Brooklyn Vision Academy's very own Gwendolyn Stacy." I said to her as we manoeuvred through the other students.

"Very observant of you, but flattery won't get you anywhere with me." She told me with an angry look in her eyes. "As your class president I expect everyone to succeed in ALL their studies."

"Well sorry to disappoint you sweetheart but that's not gonna happen, ever."

I just walked away from her into the gym and sat myself down in the corner as per the usual for me.

"Don't get me wrong, I get why Mom doesn't want me to join in but that doesn't mean I can't at least do some of the exercise stuff. But maybe no dodgeball again, Mom and I learned that the hard way."

So I just sat in the corner and watched the rest of the class do the exercises and play some basket ball, until the loudspeakers buzzed to life.

"Would Mr Hardy and Miss Stacy please make their way to the principals office immediately."

"Ah shit."

I looked over to Gwen as I stood up and she just looked to me with the look of death.

"I don't know what's worse, getting chewed out by the principal or her stare."

So I just picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder as I walked out of the gym towards the principals office.

"I sure hope you haven't failed another test." Gwen said as she caught up to me.

"Nah, this is probably just about how I punched that jerk off earlier." I said with a chuckle. "Although I don't know why you got called up with me."

"Well I am your class president."

I just nodded my head. "Fair point."

We just walked in silence till we arrived and the assistant asked us to take a seat and wait for a moment.

"And here I thought this was urgent." I said aloud.

And for that I got an elbow in the side from Gwen.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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