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Anxiety rules my every move

It grows like wildfire, burning inside of me

Like the sharp blade of a knife at my throat

Ready to stab at any moment

Dying could be an option, a path, an escape

But fear pushes it down; and thus I suffer again

What is my impact on them?

Do they really like me?

Or is our friendship bound by hate

to break me at any moment

to ruin my all my life

to kill any hope

to have me know I was never good enough

Not for them.

And how can I leave her?

We don't speak all that often anymore

It feels as though we are drifting apart

And it truly breaks my heart

I don't want to go

to feel the pain again

With hurt that haunts me everyday

Please just let me stay 

But the days get less

And I get more worried

I get more stress

And here comes the Anxiety

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