Eris & ceres

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Eris stood at ceres door in the asteroid belt or better known as asteroid alley. Her body trembling with despair. Ceres opened the door to see his lover trembling. He was shocked immediately, Eris isn't the type of person to tremble or cry. She is stern and has a temper issue but can mostly hold it in. "C-Ceres can I chill at your place for a-awhile?..." her usually loud voice is now a cry for help. Eris face soon began to stream with tears, she couldn't hold it in anymore. Ceres eyes widened as he saw his lover cry. He had never saw her cry before, and he expected a few tears but she was having a full on meltdown! Ceres immediately pulled her inside and tried to comfort her on the couch. "Eris! What's wrong babe? What is making you cry? Please tell me!" His voice echoed through out the house of concern. Eris looked at ceres and tearfully said "I-I'm scared! I'm so scared ceres!" Eris then hugged ceres and cried to his chest. "What is making you scared love?" He said softly as he hugged her back while trying to wipe her tears. "It's dysnomia! I'm so scared for her! She has been sick for a long time and Sedna can't find any cure or any medicine for her to make her feel better! I-I don't know what to do!" Her sunglasses which she almost never took off are now discarded on the ground. Ceres place his hands gently on her cheek and in a gently voice said. "My love, I'm here for you. Ever since the day I fell in love with you, I've been committed to making you smile and supporting you in any way I can. I know it's scary and stressful to see someone you love struggling with their health and not showing signs of recovery. Please know that I'm here to listen and support you in any way you need. I understand how hard this is for you, and I want you to know that I'm in this with you. Let's face this challenge together, and I'll do everything in my power to help you and dysnomia, We'll get through this, and I'll be by your side every step of the way!" Eris looked at ceres with tears running down her face and smiled a bit. "You do know how to cheer me up ceres, this is why I fell in love with you too...." She says gently as Eris and ceres kiss each other gently before ceres asked Eris "you want to cuddle to ease the tension and anxiety?" Eris look at her lover and with a smile said "sure ceres, that would be lovely.." eris and ceres layed on the couch and cuddled each other....

First story on Wattpad!

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