Jotaro is in for a real treat XD

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(Thanks again to my buddies Andrea and Matt for inspiring me to write this ^-^)

        Ever since Jotaro and Kakyoin went on their trip to Morioh, there have been way too many close calls for comfort. When Stand Users find out how much Noriaki means to him, they will purposely go after Kakyoin to mess with Jotaro. Of course, Jotaro will break their noses and punch them so they go flying, but Jojo couldn't help but feel on edge whenever he wasn't with the love of his life. Not just enemy stand users either, Rohan Kishibe is fascinated by Kakyoin, always wanted to read about his life, but Jotaro threatens him with things like, "Quit talking to him or I'll punch all your teeth out." Or, "If you don't stop talking to us, I'll be the second Joestar to put you on Hiatus." Noriaki always apologizes to Rohan profusely, and scolds Jojo. On the other hand, his uncle won't stop begging Kakyoin to play video games with him, which annoys the hell out of Jotaro. He wanted his love to spend time with him, ever since Noriaki has been working for the SpeedWagon Foundation. The two lovers have had to spend painful amounts of time away from each other. This was their time to spend together, not Kakyoin getting dragged around to play F-Mega or examined by Rohan. 

        Jotaro had carefully planned out the perfect date for both of them:

8:30 am- Surprise Kakyoin with pancakes and cherries
9:15 am- Go to a cafe and get coffee
9:45 am- Walk around the aquarium
11:00 am- Stop at a park and hold hands on a bench
12:00 am- Bike to Tonio's for lunch
1:45 pm- Go to the mall and shop
4:00 pm- Bike over to a fancy sushi restaurant 
5:30 pm- Walk to the beach holding hands
5:45 pm- sit on the beach, just him and Kakyoin, watching the whales 
8:00 pm- Walk back over to the Morioh Grand Hotel
8:30 pm- Watch a movie, snuggled up next to Noriaki
10:00 pm- Fall alseep, Kakyoin in my arms

        Jotaro thought it was the most perfect date he has ever planned. The night before, he urged Noriaki to fall asleep early, saying he had planned a day for the two of them. Kakyoin giggled, "I can't wait, hun!" 

                        Of course, that didn't happen...

        The morning started off alright, Jojo quietly woke up at 8:03, made pancakes and got a bowl full of ripe red cherries, when he checked the time, it was 8:27. Jotaro lifted the food onto a breakfast tray and went back into their bedroom, practically vibrating from excitement. There lay Kakyoin, his hair a mess, and dressed in his red and green dotted pajamas Jotaro got for him on Christmas two years back. He thought Noriaki looked adorable and his cheeks became hotter. Jotaro walked over to Kakyoin's side of the bed. He cautiously set the breakfast tray down on Noriaki's bedside table and nudged Kakyoin awake, "Nori, wake up darling."
He got a, "Mmmmmmphh." As a response.
"Noriiiii, come on." He sounded like a teen again. 
"Five more minutesss..." Kakyoin mumbled. Jotaro, grabbed his husband's shoulders and shook him a little. Noriaki rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times, before looking right into those ocean aquamarine eyes he fell in love with. 
"Hello darling..." He smiled. Jotaro stood up and set the breakfast tray on Kakyoin's lap, not wanting to waste anymore time. Kakyoin slowly sat up and grinned, "Is this why you were so insistent on me going to sleep early?"
Jotaro reddened, "was I that desperate?"
His husband giggled, "No, you were very adorable though." Noriaki drenched his pancakes in syrup and cut them into smaller bite sized pieces. Jotaro eagerly watched him take a bite and awaited his reaction.
"Mmmmmm!" Kakyoin smiled happily while chewing, "These are great Jojo!"
Jotaro felt his heart swell. He blushed at the compliment and his face was fixed as a goofy grin. "They were made with love." He said proudly.
Kakyoin began to laugh uncontrollably, "That's so cheesy Jojo!" 

        After Kakyoin calmed down, he popped a cherry into his mouth and played with it on his tongue. Jotaro quickly snatched it from Kakyoin, and put it into his mouth instead. His husband shouted "Oi!" at him and Jotaro laughed, spitting the cherry seed into the waste bin next to the bed.
Noriaki grumbled, "Rude."
"Well I wouldn't take the cherries from you if they weren't so easy to grab." Jotaro joked playfully. Kakyoin huffed and continued to eat his pancakes while carefully keeping his cherries far from Jotaro. When Noriaki finished breakfast, he got into his clothes, dark navy jeans, deep emerald coat, and a SpeedWagon Foundation shirt underneath, as well as his signature cherry earrings and a silver heart necklace, that had J+K carved on it, which Jotaro had found in Egypt and gifted to Kakyoin a day before their fight with DIO. Kakyoin thought that it kept him safe from danger, when he wore it that fateful day, Kakyoin survived permanent damage from DIO's attack. Kakyoin didn't usually believe in that kind of stuff, but he felt safe wearing it. 

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