・┆✦ʚ prologue ɞ✦ ┆・

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"We should probably go get something to eat" Sara suggested.

"Sure, how about grabbing a few things from the bakery across the road?" I replied.

"I've heard some good things about that bakery, the owner's pretty kind too."

"Alright, let's go!" I said, pretty excited to be able to finally try something there.

"Be careful, and don't buy too much sweet pastries." Sara nagged.

I ignored her nagging and ran into the bakery. The name of the bakery is 'Kaedehara bakery'. The family name seemed familiar for some reason... Probably because it appeared on the news before? Once I entered the bakery, the sweet scent of pastries entered my nose.

(I couldn't think of another name for the bakery 😞😼☹️)

"IT SMELLS SO GOOD!!!!" I screamed. The customers in the bakery stared at me, definitely questioning my sanity. I quickly apologised after seeing Sara look at me with her death glare.

The interior of the bakery has maple leaves littered around the walls and ceiling.The walls itself was a nice shade of red. There are places that are for the pastries and breads, which looks pretty normal. I grabbed what I needed to take the pastries and started browsing the bakery's goods. Sara followed behind me, making sure that I wasn't getting too much things.

It was already quite late when we arrived at the bakery, so the goods left were already almost sold out. Luckily, we still managed to find a couple of pastries that we would like to try. I walked to the cashier while Sara went out of the bakery to answer a call.

The cashier that was at the cash register looked around the same age as me. He had platinum blonde hair with a single red streak on his right. His hair was tied into a short ponytail. He was wearing the bakery uniform. Honestly, he looks kinda cute.

"Hello, I'm ready to pay for these." I said to the cashier.

I was waiting for a reply, but he just stared at me. He looked shocked to see me? Well, whatever.

"Hello? Sir, are you there?" It was weird calling him sir, since he was around the same age as me, but I don't know what else to call him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, pardon my rudeness, but may I ask what your name is?" the guy asked randomly.

"Uh, it's y/n, what's your name?" I asked. I should also be able to ask for his name since he asked for mine, right...?"

"...alright, my name is Kazuha."

"Nice name" I tried to compliment him.

"Thank you, is this all?" Kauzha asked me.


He scanned the items and started packing the pastries. While he was packing the last pastry, a blonde haired man who was carrying an empty tray that wanted to pass through bumped into Kazuha, causing him to drop the pastry that he was trying to pack. I watched in horror as the pastry fell on the floor. It was the one I wanted to try the most.

"My pastry..." I said, disappointed.

"I am so sorry about the pastry, how about I give you two free ones as compensation? You can pick any of the pastries." Kauzha said.

"You're way too kind, there's really no need for it.." I replied. Even though I was sad about my pastry, I wasn't about to 'scam' someone.

"I insist, I'm really sorry about that." Kazuha said again.

"Yeah, please accept the free pastries, I'm also at fault for accidentally bumping into Kazu, so I'm also sorry" The blonde haired man said.

"Alright, if you two insist..."

Sara was still not done with her phone call so I decided to just pick out the two pastries. I picked the ones that I thought that my mom would like, since she enjoys pastries.

After picking out the pastries, I went back to the cash register.

"Is these the two that you want?" Kazuha asked.


Kazuha packed the rest of the pastries, and I payed for the pastries.

"I'll give you my phone number, just in case you want more compensation for the pastry." Kazuha said.

Uh... isn't giving me two pastries already enough? Well, whatever, it won't hurt I guess.


Kazuha wrote his phone number on a piece of paper before giving it to me, along with the pastries.

"Feel free to come again if you like the pastries"

I nodded before leaving the bakery. Sara was STILL on the phone. What is she doing.

"I'll pay anything for it but please reserve the figurine for me." I heard Sara say on the phone. Oh, it's about that figurine again.

"Okay, I'll hang up now." Sara said after she see me exit the bakery.

"Done?" Sara asked.

"Yep, we should go home now, it's really late already." I said.

"Okay, see you"

"Cya!" I said before I went home.



This concludes the prologue, hope I got you guys interested in this story 👹

Hope you guys liked this chapter

Have a nice day/night 😍

(860 words)
written on: 16 April 2023
completed on: 18 April 2023

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