Piercing "Apprentice" x Wally

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You and your pompadoured friend sit in your bathroom, him on the edge of the tub and you leaning against the wall. Adjacent to you is a piercing kit you had special ordered to Howdy's market, that was then picked up and delivered by Eddie. You live beyond the neighborhood so this was the most convenient way to receive specialty items, despite the up charge. Looking down you see your friends eyes wander from you, to the kit, to you and then the floor. You push yourself off the wall and make your way over to him, plopping down beside him.

"Wally, you don't have to do this. I'm not a professional and there is a risk so I understand" your voice was coated in the sweetest sugar. Wally looks towards you with a soft smile. "Thanks friend, I'm okay though. Its just a tinge of nerves, but I know you'll take good care of me" he was reciprocating your tone, this reassured you. Patting his back you stand letting an excited huff out. "Well if you say so, lets get everything prepped"

You arrange everything neatly and sanitize your work station, after that gloves and a mask go on. Taking an alcohol wipe you clean Wally's left ear, then his right with a separate wipe. You dotted both ears with symmetrical sharpie marks.He looked calm enough but the paranoia still broke past your lips. "You're positive you wanna do this?" With a nod he says "Yes, I trust you" a wave of relaxation seemed to hit both of you in that moment as you exchanged smiles. "Well.." you say turning around to prep the needle and jewelry "lets start then"

You lined the needle up with Wally's right ear "Okay... now take a big deep breath in for me darling" he did as told, you struck. "Now out" you worked as fast as you could to get the needle out, jewelry in, backing on and catch any glittery blood that dripped. You stepped back to admire your work and to check on your dearest pal. Despite the permanent smile on his face you could tell his expression was neutral, no tears, he didn't even jump. "Wow I thought that would hurt more" he laughed in his own charming way, this made you smile. " I'm glad, it looks good and you barely bled"

You repeat the process with him and get the same results as before. You're impressed with your own handy work and so is he after looking in the mirror. "Oh wow.. you did a great job" "really? Thanks Wal, you were an excellent client" he laughed again before turning around to face you, he moved in for a hug which you gladly accepted. You then exchange a quick kiss while still holding on.

"Oh hey, what were the cleaning steps again? I forgot some of them" you playfully rolled your eyes at him. "Lets go somewhere more comfortable and I'll run over them with you again" grabbing the sanitizing spray you led Wally to the living room, explaining everything once again to your forgetful friend.

A few hours later Wally went home, he ended up calling you that night asking the same question.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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