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You have to read 2 chapters (author's note or graphics chapter aren't counted.) of your partner's book and leave 5 comments in every 2 chapters that you read on your partner's book. Please put a lot of effort into your comments. We will really see if you are reading or making random comments, and also if you are making hateful comments, aka bullying.

By the way,

• No hate comments, aka bullying

• Don't comment with emojis only because they are not words

• all genres are allowed but for poem and one shot and historical aren't allowed

•You don't have to give constructive feedback / constructive criticism as long as your comments show effort. We will tell if you read the book or just made random comments Yes we are watching.

( If you want to give constructive feedback / constructive criticism then we won't stop you )

And please read the rules over and over again about commenting

❎ Wrong

✅ Right

❎ One comment per 2 chapters

✅ Five comments per 2 chapters

❎ Commenting with emojis only

✅ Commenting with words that connected to the story with 2 or 3 emojis

✅ Make some efforts


Your book must be in English and have at least 2 chapters plus. If you change your username or story title, please inform us. The due date is depends on us and If you ask for an extended date, it will be only given to you for 4 days. Ignoring messages and warnings will kick you out, but if you are going on hiatus, warn us.


You can only enter one book, but you can change your book if you want and partners are permanent.

The code if you want to change your book here is Sweet Creatures a temporary change.

Watermelon Sugar High is permanently change book

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝━ 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟏𝟗, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑

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