Scream for me

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The fog dissipated, dropping me back, once again, in another trial. I stood still for a moment, trying to take in my surroundings quickly. My eyes glazed over the house, in an eerie silence. I took a deep breath, and took off towards the door. Ever since the Entity had taken me, bringing me to this... realm, I've had one thing on my mind. Well, I should say person. Ghostface. Listen, I realize that he's a killer but, why'd he have to look so damn hot in that mask? Whenever we run into each other, I feel my stomach turn, and an insatiable need to be touched by him. It's crazy I know, he's literally a psycho and I'm trying to survive but... Quickly, those thoughts disappear from my mind when a sudden scream fills my ears. Someone's injured already? I've yet to come across my other teammates, but anyone could recognize that scream. Well there goes Claudette, as usual. I can't help but roll my eyes, heaving a deep sigh.

"Great." I turn in the direction of Claudette's scream, deciding to do a light jog in her direction. After all, I'm not sure which killer it is yet. Sneaking through broken fences, and ducking behind cars, I'm a few yards from where the scream took place. Before I know it, Claudette screams in pain again, from the hook piercing her chest. I take a couple slow steps forward, but pause. It's too quiet. I'd at least feel my heart beat pick up a bit unless...

"Ah shit." Before I can run in the opposite direction, Ghostface is standing in front of me. Caught off guard, I stand in shock, whilst feeling my face heat up from how close he is to my body. Holding a knife in one hand, he holds up a finger to the mouth of his mask, making a 'sh' gesture. Gulping partly out of fear and nervousness, I nod. He tilts his head to the side, closing what little distance there was between us. Claudette whimpers in an attempt to free herself, only to fail miserably. I turn just in time to see her being pulled away into the sky. Before a word can escape my throat, leather ribbons wrap around my wrists pinning them behind me. Ghostface's hand wraps around my throat giving it a firm squeeze.

"You're supposed to be paying attention to me, Sweetheart." He's pressed against me, and I can feel him breathing down neck. Somehow I muster a bit of confidence saying,

"Getting jealous, are we?" He pauses, bringing the knife to my cheek, pressing it in softly, so that it only draws a thin line of blood.

"You haven't seen me jealous yet." Releasing my throat, he brings the knife to the edge of my throat, creating a small nick. The warm blood falls down my collarbone, into my shirt. Instinctively, my arm raises to wipe it away, only to find that I'm still bound. The ribbons tighten, making my back arch into him.

"Ah ah ah, who gave you permission to wipe that off, sweetheart?" Suddenly his free hand grips my hip, his thumb pressing into the divots. A soft groan escapes my throat. My face quickly flushes red in embarrassment.

"That's my mark, which means you're mine, doll." Just as quickly, the ribbons release me in a swift motion until he's already blended back into the fog. My hand meets my mouth in an attempt to rid my cheeks of the hot blush that continues to spread. My other arm matches where his used to be on my hips. I tilt my head back imagining all the things I wished he'd do to me at that moment. I snap myself out of it, and decide to try and focus on something more productive, like escaping. But that was a weak attempt at best.


Everywhere I went, I could feel his eyes on me, like whispers were grazing over my skin. Pretty soon, I gave up on the idea of trying to fix the generators, and instead tried to entertain myself with the other survivors. I had found Felix and Dwight.

When I first arrived at the camp, Dwight was the most welcoming, and oddly positive. We quickly became something like friends. Once I ran into him here again, we got to talking. We had been exploring the house, looking for our other teammate who had suddenly disappeared. Crossing a hallway, I heard Dwight fall. I turned around to face him, as he fixed his glasses, smiling meekly. I couldn't help but laugh. He blushed with embarrassment, which caused me to laugh even more. Helping him up, we continued down the hallway till we reached a door. Without thinking, I swung it open. Both Dwight and I stepped back in surprise, faced with that familiar mask. He gave us a small wave, tilting his head. Before either of us could process what was happening, Ghostface had already landed a hit on Dwight, injuring him. My eyes widened in shock, watching Dwight hit the ground. I whipped my head back in Ghostface's direction, only to be greeted by his hand covering my mouth. The familiar ribbons had found their way around me again, but in a more aggressive manner.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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