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Like it's inside u but still u can't totally understand it. Yeah hi again i am still writing on u dairy . You are the only one who tries to listen me patiently. I am an unfortunate girl who can even sing or draw to show her pain. It's like my family don't understand me to them everything is money i am just a pawn to say they reproduced well me & my sister I am sick of this life but what can i say . I just feel someone is coming up i am sure that's my mom she is coming up to see whether i am wake or not i need to sleep before she sees me. bye! Maybe just maybe Next day will be better ..

Oh shit it's one am and if my mom walked into my room to check on me i am done for sure . fuck i need to close this dairy and hide it .

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''NEXT MORNING

UHHH I feel like shit but still i have to wakeup being a mediocre girl in a high school is tiring it like u r being under the feet of A graders and the popular ppl . yeah yeah u guessed it right i am a outcast not that it's a bad term but it's more like ppl don't know u by ur name just that u r outcast. It's like if i die today nobody will notice not even teachers . I know it's sad but it have it's own perks like well i can't think right now but yeah it have many.

I am getting ready for a school which i hate from me to infinity i know this maybe not a phrase but i like to say it like that . It's like i am able to express my self in simple sentence. By getting ready i don't mean i will put makeup an dmake my hair i will just get fresh up and go and get a break fast for near subway (cause i hate mom's cooking ) but i don't tell her that.

School lobby..............

Well i am a weird well kind off therefore i have only one friend since 2 nd grade i don't know how she sticked with me . i think even god sometimes think for ppl like me.She is like the best thing ever happened to me. She isn't like me she is just so different from me she have lots of friends she have a fucking social life can u belive it a person like me have a bff with so much social battery i can't. Holyshit i think i just bumped into that shitty Fredric Arnault . I hate him not because he is out of my league of something but he annoys me like his presence annoy me but like i said i am an outcast nobody wanna know what i think .Well not forget he is the prince .

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