Saving a Soul

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

Any Images, Fan Arts, GIFs, and Soundtracks used throughout this entire story also do not belong to me as they too belong to their respective owners.

A follower of mine recently suggested I have the Genderbend characters: Lucifer (Katie McGrath) and Jacqueline Kline (Danielle Rose Russell) prevent Zara from being eaten by the Mosasaur cause she literally had the worse death out of everyone as no one wants to be slowly digested alive.


Zach and Gray can only watch in horror as a Pteranodon swiftly snatched Zara from the Main Street of Jurassic World. Zara screamed as the Pteranodon held her by the shoulder like an air glider.

Her struggles and scream for help were in vain when another equally large Pteranodon attacked the one carrying her and dropped her. Her fate believed to be sealed on falling into concrete when the second Pteranodon caught her, leaving her dangling upside down with her lower legs held on.

Several more pterosaurs pursued the one to hold her as she was nothing more but a glorified prize. A new prey they have never had the chance of hunting and eating.

Zara's legs slipped from the Pteranodon's restraint on her due to its rush to secure its next meal. She skipped out of its grip and plummeted once again down below at a horizontal velocity.

She impacted into the salt water. Zara tries to swim out but her pursuers hadn't given up on her. One Pteranodon advanced towards her, clamping down at her on her rib cage. Zara kicked and cried, trying to break free. The Pteranodon then attempts to drown Zara by keeping her in the pool so she would stop struggling and enjoy its decent meal.

With all the splashing that produce sounds and vibrations, it began attracting a far graver threat towards them from below. A large shadowy figure  below swimming towards her.

The Pteranodon momentarily let go of her before picking her up just above the surface.

The great leviathan that reigns this pool swims up, ready to chomp down on its prey. The Mosasaur erupts from beneath Zara and the Pteranodon. Barricade rows of sharp teeth, gallons of water drained down into the abyss of an eager gullet that is hell that awaited the poor human. Zara cried out with tears running down her cheeks on what would be the last thing anyone heard before being muffled when she no longer felt a pair of talons gripping at her shoulder or smell of salt water and stench of eaten Great White shark.

She landed with a soft thud. Zara opens her eyes, expecting the jaws of death when she was nowhere near such place. Instead on what she believed to be a fate worse than death, Zara found herself laying on her bottom back close to one of the stores in Main Street.

If she could Zara would start kissing the ground to be glad on being back on dry land

"Zara!" Zara sees Zach and Gray running towards her but also Claire and her ex-boyfriend Owen.

"How did you-" Zach trailed off with a gobsmack expression, along with his younger brother for both had seen her fate was sealed in the talons of the Pteranodon and dropped into the Mosasaur Pool where they had just been close to witnessing her being swallowed alive by the apex predator of the seas, and now she is back in dry land in safe custody.

Zara is loss for words. "I-I" She also noticed her ribs didn't hurt from the Pteranodon clamping it's beak down on her or nostrils burning from accidentally inhaling from salt water She was healed.

Seems like God was in her side and spared her. One thing for certain she is never going air gliding or swimming for a long while from a horrid near-death experience, and staying away anything with the name "Jurassic" and "World" forever.

From afar at where the the five individuals stood observing them was a woman who resembled Zara save for being dry and not wet from getting drenched by water and wore a floppy sun straw hat. She sipped at her beverage with a Jurassic World merchandise drinking cup and in her other arm held a T-Rex plushie.

Walking to her side is a young girl a tad older than Zach, also holding a plushie but of a Velociraptor and ate a nougat bar.

"I'm surprise you saved a human ma." The young girl named Jacqueline Kline chided at her mother.

The mother who is the Devil herself Lucifer shrugged, continuously sipping her finest alcohol drink. "Eh, would be vile to watch my alternate human counterpart perish by the hands of digestion, if not panic from claustrophobia, putrid, suffocate and burn from stomach acid and bile, along with oxygen being cut short. No one wants to be inside the belly of the beast."

Jacqueline looks to the chaos unfolding. She raised a brow. "Umm ma, don't you think we should-"

"Come along, Little Aurora." Lucifer walks off casually with a sunshine smile. The Pteranodons knowing better to attack a being that can kill them as they sensed the wave of cold dread emitting from the fallen Archangel. "We're done here."

Jacqueline blinks with a stupefied face. "But what about these peo-"

"Eh, families will sue the hell out of InGen for this recent stunt. Such a shame for John Hammond's dream being tainted by selfish human greed. Quite an honest and decent human, and that is saying a lot coming from my mouth as he is one of the few rare humans I respect. Besides give it three years the volcano will destroy everything and humanity will have dinosaurs running around because of their carelessness. This park was going to get shut down one way or another. Let them learn this lesson that never play God and try to create a living weapon as see the consequences they brought upon themselves from that demented hybrid that caused all of this. You reap what you sow, and can't intervene with fate too many times or else the three bitches will be breathing down my neck as much as I like sticking it up their arses." She smirks wickedly and puts on her sunglasses. "Now let's head back home as dinosaurs are so last year. Honestly, the world would be roaming with dinosaurs if not for Gabriel and I accidentally killing the poor things from our tennis match using an asteroid as the tennis ball. But that is a story for another time."

Jacqueline looks at the death unfolding. "But ma! Ma! People!" She frantically ran after her mom, not very keen on letting people die and tries to convince her mom to help them, but Lucifer while not terrible from being rid by remnants of the Mark of Cain's influence, she still looked down at humans and could hardly care what happens to them.


This wouldn't have been possible if not for the convincing of my follower to write this. I'm pretty sure it's left for Jacqueline to save the day but that's up to you to debate at what happens next for everyone else in Jurassic World.

Hope you enjoyed the story.

Make sure to vote if you loved the chapter. Please comment if you have any opinions or ideas you wanna pitch in for the story to make things interesting, I will read comments. Please comment on what you liked or dislike about the chapter to improve future updates.

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Stay safe and enjoy your day.

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