[ACT 1] Chapter 1: Always

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If there was an afterlife, the alchemist Tess Aract most certainly didn't receive the blessing or curse of arriving there.

It was common for people to mark sigils of the void god's eyes on gravestones for hope that their loved ones would travel safely past the endless void into the afterlife. Tess knew those traditions never amounted to anything, especially now. The alchemist ceased to exist entirely until his pitch black exploded into color.

He had completely forgotten what consciousness was until it mercilessly returned to him. Though , he wasn't sure if he had remained dead or a miracle had happened to revive him. Regardless, Tess immediately knew that his return shouldn't have even occurred in the first place. He had been perfectly content with his fate; there was no point in changing his ending when anything else would have been absolutely wrong.

Why him instead of someone else more deserving?

Feeling all of his senses rush back into him had left him paralyzed. He was unable to identify where he was thanks to how his surroundings felt like a cacophonous blur.

He attempted to grasp the ground with a hand. His movements were strained, feeling like such a simple action was a superhuman feat. Exerting the majority of his little energy, he soon felt warm grass in between his fingers.

His hands didn't phase through it, meaning that he still had a physical body and wasn't a phantom.

Tess was oddly relieved by the fact that he wasn't a ghost, meaning that he came back fully alive.

Slowly, he was at least getting reacquainted with what existence encompassed. Though far from any perfect clarity in any of his senses, the tumult of suddenly coming back to life eased. He gathered enough energy to lift himself up, nearly falling from wobbling. He squinted, trying to look at the world around him.

Craning his neck around, he took note of the radiant sun shining to all below it. The warm rays were a comforting warm hug that Tess had taken for granted until now. The flowers around him was flourishing, joyfully swaying with a light breeze. The alchemist could feel his cloak following the gentle winds as well. The winds were another thing he often overlooked that he didn't realize how much he missed.

As much as being alive felt offkey to him, he oddly missed the feeling of living. Though he wasn't angry at all with the circumstances of his death, he wasn't particularly fond of drifting out in the deepest crevices of reality. However, he didn't mind any sort of punishment as long as he was able to safeguard the lives of those he cared about.

As the thought came into mind, Tess was reminded by all of his old allies. He wondered how his two companions, Dusekkar and Scriptliss, were faring.

He wasn't sure what their reactions would be, merely thinking about this made him feel anxious.

Would they have missed him?

Would they even be happy that he returned?

It was a matter that could only be answered when Tess met up with them. He prepared himself for whatever would come for him.

The alchemist rubbed his eyes, hoping that would help clear up his vision. He saw a blur of brown amongst the green grasses. Based on its shape, he could identify it as a wooden sign post.

Tess slowly walked towards the sign until he could read out the contents.

Epilogue Expanse.

This was a location he never heard of in any of his maps. It was either recently created or completely uncharted.

He eyed a thin dirt path beside the sign, barely noticeable due to the grass crowding over it. With no other clue where he was, he began to walk on the path. Each step became lighter the more he walked until his mobility had returned.

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