chapter 1

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"Matt sweetie time for school" Matt's mom trying to wake him up. "Matthew wake up" Matt woke up to hearing his full name. Usually when his mom used his full name that means he was in trouble. "I'm awake mom", "great now it's time for school go get breakfast and head out!" Matt nodded and walked up to his breakfast he saw a goldfish or a salmon. Matt took the goldfish because he wasn't all that hungry. "Alright bye mom see ya after school!" Matt waved to his mom. "Bye Sweetie!" His mom waved back. When Matt got to school he saw his friend Riley. "Hey dude" Matt said to his friend. "Hey Matt!" They both talked before class started. "Alright class since this is the first day of school we are going to have free time all day so do what you want! But don't get into trouble understand?" All the students nodded and went out out of the den and went to have fun outside. Matt was talking with his friend when his bullies came. "Hey scaredy cat!" Matt rolled his and pretend he was scared. "W-What do you want T-Tyson?" Matt asked. "You know what we want! Since it was summer break and we didn't see each other for the whole summer maybe we could fight!" Matt had it he wanted to beat the crap out of him. "You know what I can't do this anymore this is making look and a mistake..", "are you finally realizing now?" Riley said as he started to laugh. "Oh shut the fuck up" Matt said. "What the hell is going on?" Tyson asked. Matt sighed. "I was never afraid of you Tyson I was only pretending.." Tyson was shocked. "So you only made look like a fool!" Tyson said in a angry tone. Matt shook his head. "And I gonna be the fearless king when I'm older" Tyson stared laughing. "You do that without fighting a lot of animals you know" Matt nodded in understanding. "I know and I expect your challenge!" Matt said to Tyson. Tyson got into a fighting pose and so did Matt. "Your going down Matt!"

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