treacherous territory embarked

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Here I was, at the front door of the old abandoned school, I clench onto my phone in my coats pocket, my light brown hair rushing around in the wind. I pull my phone out.

"It's okay.. I was only told to take a few pictures and leave.." I say to myself, I find myself breathing heavily, I try to calm myself but nothing happens.

I open the door, hearing the large wooden door protest as I push it as hard as I can, right when I open it, I step in, taking in the feeling im not alone.

I open up my phone's camera, turning on the flashlight as I walk around, looking at the boarded up windows and broken glass on the floor.

I go up the creaky stairs in the middle of the school, feeling like there gonna cave in and kill me.

I look around on the second floor, my eyes widening as I see very dried out blood. I walk up to it, smelling the familiar iron smell.

I take out my phone, instantly snapping a few photos of it. Making sure to step over it as I try to move.

I walk towards a classroom, noticing  a note planted right on the teacher's desk, I step up to it, picking it up and reading it.

"Whoever you are. I know your here, and I know your not supposed to be here. Get out

Could it be a coincidence?

"That's literally this year..!" I take photos of it, finding myself getting scared again. I turn my body, hearing a creek come from right behind me, feeling cold rush through my body and the air.

I look, falling back as I see a kid my age, wearing a black hoodie over top of a brown and red uniform. a hood covering up his messy black hair. I get taken aback, noticing he's not trying to hurt me.

"Who are you!?" I ask, feeling the air around me got colder than before.

"Sorry for startling you.. I would help you up but I can't.." he responds in a soft voice.

"Why c-cant you..?" I ask back

"Well.. for starters.. I'm kind of.. a ghost.. and for seconds, I can kill you if I touch you for too long.." he says awkwardly, fidgeting with his hands.

"That's actually really cool.." I say, getting kind of excited, I get up, looking at him more.

"You aren't scared..?" He asks, holding back a smile. "No..! This is awesome!" "We should be friends..!" I go up to him, looking at him more closely. "Ok.. sure..! I haven't met anybody in so long!" He exclaims excitedly.

"I have one question.. but it's fine if you don't wanna answer" I nervously fidget with my hair, putting my phone away.

"Y-yeah..?" He responds almost silently. "You said, if you touch me for to long, I'll die, how long can you touch me for anyway?" I ask, tilting my head.

"About 10 seconds" he chuckles a bit. "Wow.., don't get startled but..-" I poke him, getting suprised of how cold he was. "Wow.. you really are dead.." I giggle happily.

He smiles anxiously. "Yeah...haha.."

My phone lights up, the semi-dark room slightly filling up with a bright reddish-white light.

"Who was that? And what is that box?"

"It's from the people who got me here in the first place.." "..and that black box is called a phone." I respond, suprised he didn't know what a phone was.

"Can you explain more?" He asks curiously, sitting down on one of the dusty desks with graffiti all over it.

"Yeah.. sure, so the phone is something that does.." I trail off, taking at least an hour to fully explain it to him.

"I think I understand! Thank you.." he says softly.

I check my phone again. 5:30 pm. "Oh! I got to go! I have to go home before it gets dark.." i smile softly, looking at him.


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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