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Adeline Olivia Green is played by my executive @1D_louisniall_1991 go follow her she is amazing.


Adeline *POV*

His voice makes me wanna die...... 

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I snooze it about five more times until I see blaring light in my eyes.

"Addie, wake up, remember the last day of school is today? If you don't wake up, there will be no 1D concert in a couple weeks," My best friend Evelyn Smith says. I shoot up out of bed and head to the shower. I take the shortest shower of my life and get changed into my regular black basketball shorts and a blue American Eagles tank top that says LIFE YOUR LIFE in big white letters. (A.N. I have a shirt like this but its pink lol)

"Took you long enough," Evy says.

"Shut up Evy, you take longer just showering," I retort grabbing my bag and an Apple for breakfast.

"Whatever loser," She says and we both laugh getting into my car.

Evelyn and I have been best friend since preschool. She is a little bit more girly than me but we both hate makeup. Our favorite band is... of course.... One Direction. As I think of my dream where Louis kisses me I smile, buckling up and driving to the hellhole I call school. I live in Los Angeles, California, with Evelyn's house right by mine. As you can probably see, or if you don't have eyes I guess you can't see that Louis is my favorite. Me and him are just alike, smarty and sassy, hyper and crazy, but also sweet and caring. And I love to prank people.

I have long wavy brown hair, light brown eyes, and blue and red are my favorite colors. Besides One Direction, I also like Ed Sheeran, especially his song, Photograph. Its my favorite song and I listen to it everyday. I love riding horses and soccer, or as Louis says it, Football.

I soon drive into the parking lot of St. Adams High (A.N I have no idea if that is a real high school, I just made it up) and park into my regular parking spot. Evy and I walk up to the doors and go to our adjoining lockers. We smile and head to my worst class ever. Social Studies

I'm fine with the work, just not the teacher. Let's just say that I have went to the principal's office numerous times because of her, some even without me doing anything! I sit down in my usual chair at the back and smile sweetly at my glaring teacher. She rolls her eyes and gets up to start class.

"Allright class, today since it's our last day, I thought we could have fun," She smiles at everybody, but me. I just smile sweetly and she continues. I look at Evy and she smiles, knowing what I'm going to do, be a smartass.

"Ok, So the stupidest person lives in the UK," She starts and I immediately raise my hand. She sighs and nods at me to start talking.

"Well how is that true?" I ask. she looks confused and so does the class, thinking I was going to say something smart.

"What do you mean, Miss. Green," She hesitates saying.

"Well, Mrs. Hendricks, that can't be possible," I say.

"And why is that, Miss. Green," She asks.

"It's not possible because you live here in America," I retort, making the class laugh at my comment. She sighs and glares.

"All year and you couldn't let me have one normal day," She begs.

"Oh, no you see, Mrs. Hendricks, I know I won't see you all summer, so I have to do it one last time," I say sweetly.

"Ok, Miss. Green, what does a chicken give you?" She says.

"Eggs," I reply.

"Good, what does a pig give you?" She asks again.

"What is this, 20 questions?" I ask. The class laughs again.

"Just answer the question, Miss. Green," She sighs, getting tired of me.

"Bacon," I mumble, getting tired of her.

"Great, what does a big fat cow give you," She finally asks, after moments of hesitation. I suddenly perk up at the question. I know the answer is Milk, and she knows it too, but I really want to make the class laugh again. And also, I don't answer questions right, all the time hehe.

"Homework," I says, and she gasps, getting angry. The class falls into hysteric laughter, and I slowly get up as Mrs. Hendricks comes closer.

"You know, Mrs. Hendricks, I am going to miss you the most, by far," I say backing up.

"Get out, Miss Green, and please don't come back," She says rather loudly.

"Ok Ok, somone woke up on the wrong side of the litter box I see, Please sign my yearbook," I say throwing it at her face, running out of the room, screaming 'For Narnia'.

The principal looks at me and laughs and smiles at my weirdness.

After school, Evy and I go to Mrs. Hendricks classroom to say thank you for the funny note she left me in my yearbook. she hears us and turns around, then sighing and muttering 'ugh school does not get out soon enough'

"I came to say thanks for the note in my yearbook," I say quietly. She turns around and smiles at me softly.

"Your very welcome Adeline, Have a great summer," She says.

"You too, hopefully you get off of your period soon!" I joke, and she laughs shooing me out of the room.

"Pushy, Pushy," I say to the 59 year-old lady.

"Out, out out, and I am NOT on my period, that stop years ago," She says closing the door behind me. Truth is, she is my favorite teacher, and I am her favorite student, we just hate to admit it. I look down and read the note she left me, that not all the teachers even came close to saying.

Adeline Olivia Green,

I will greatly miss you this summer, hopefully you will remember what I taught you this year. It is unlikely, but I always hope. Hopefully you will meet that Louis dude and you will be happy.

-Mrs. Marsha Hendricks

I smile and look over all of my other teacher's saying, which basically just all say -Have a Great Summer. I wonder if the teacher's plan that.


Ok guys whenever students want us to sign their yearbooks, write Have A Great Summer, and we will be done.

But not Mrs. Hendricks, she always writes a small note.

I can already tell that this will be an amazing summer....

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