Stupid School Project

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Amity Blight was having a tough day. She had been working on a abomination project for weeks, and it just wasn't coming together. She had tried everything she could think of, but nothing seemed to work.

As she sat in her room, staring at the blank page in front of her, she felt a wave of frustration wash over her. She slammed her notebook shut and threw it across the room.

Just then, there was a knock at her door. She sighed and got up to answer it. It was her friend, Luz.

"Hey, Amity," Luz said, smiling. "I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by." The girl said while rocking back and forth on her heels.

Amity tried to smile back, but she was too upset. "I'm not really in the mood for company, Luz."

Luz frowned. "Is everything okay? You seem upset."

Amity shook her head. "It's nothing. Just a project I've been working on. It's not going well."

Luz nodded sympathetically. "I know how that feels. Do you want to talk about it?"

Amity hesitated. She wasn't used to opening up to people, but something about Luz made her feel safe. She took a deep breath and said, "I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've been working on this project for weeks, and it's just not coming together."

Luz listened patiently as Amity explained her project and the problems she was having. She asked questions, offered suggestions, and encouraged Amity to keep trying.

As they talked, Amity started to feel better. She realized that she wasn't alone, and that there was someone who cared about her and wanted to help her succeed.

When Luz left, Amity felt a sense of hope. She picked up her notebook and started to work again, with a renewed sense of purpose. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to keep trying.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Amity worked tirelessly on her project, with Luz by her side every step of the way. There were moments of frustration and doubt, but they were outweighed by moments of joy and triumph.

As Amity's project came to a close, she realized that she had grown so much over the past few months. It wasn't just her project that had changed, but she had changed too.

She had become more confident within herself. She had also become closer to Luz, who had been there for her every step of the way.

One day, as they were walking home from school, Luz turned to Amity and said, "You know, Amity, I've been thinking about something for a while now."

Amity looked at her curiously. "What is it?"

Luz took a deep breath, face flushed. "I know we've been friends for a while now, but I was wondering... would you like to go on a date with me?"

Amity felt her heart skip a beat. She had never thought of Luz in that way before, but now that she mentioned it, she realized that the reason every time she got red in the face or why her hands got sweaty was because she was crushing for Luz.

"Yes, I would love to," Amity said, smiling while her face was a shade of red.

From that day on, Amity and Luz started dating. They went on adventures together, tried new things, and supported each other through thick and thin.

As they grew closer, Amity realized that she had found something she had been looking for her whole life: someone who loved her for who she was, flaws and all.

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