•Welcome to the Beginning, Neighbor..•

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Ann's 2 younger sisters, Kaely and Kwynn, were in the living room fighting once again, probably over something odd again.. It happened everyday, so it wasn't something that bothered Ann too much, but good lord they were so loud- Ann could here her mother walking back inside from talking to her neighbor, Stacy.

Ann quickly got up and grabbed her headphones, she was absolutely certain that more fighting was about to happen. The headphones were mainly black with a bit of red, they were slightly broken but they still worked so she didn't think too much about it.. She was looking up songs on her device, there were so many song options! She decided to listen to Drown Me by Junie and TheHutFriends. Ann really liked how unique their songs were, especially how relatable the meanings of the songs were. It was like the fighting in the other room was easily removed from existence.

About 12 seconds into the song, she got a text. Oh! It was her friend, she hasn't talked to her friend, Hunter, in a few days. Mainly because of all the stuff that was happening in life. She clicked the notification from Snapchat that said he was texting and such.



I was wondering if you'd like to come over? We haven't talked in a few days.
I think Christian is coming too-
He might be wanting to watch murder drones again so prepare for that👍

Alrighty, but I gotta ask my mother first.



Ann got up from her bed and took off her headphones just to place them around her neck. As she opened the door to the hallway which lead to the living room, Kwynn came running across her view, crying and screaming once again. Kwynn was the youngest sister, she was about to turn 8 actually, she usually cries when she doesn't get her way, or when she gets in trouble. Ann tries not to worry about it much, as she walks down the hallway quietly as the only sound was her socks against the carpet floor.

"Hey, mom?"

"What do you need?" Just by how Ann's mother was talking, she could tell that her mother was pretty annoyed and upset about another fight Kaely and Kwynn had..

"Am I able to go over to Hunter's house? We haven't talked to each other in a while so-"

"Sure why not, but I'll need you to come back around 6:00 to watch your younger siblings so I can go over to Stacy's for a break from you guys. You all annoy the hell out of me."
Ann's mother was looking down at her phone while speaking, she was most likely on Facebook or TikTok again.


Ann slowly puts on her headphones while she sees her youngest brother, Audie, playing with hot wheels on the living room floor again. Audie was 3 years old, and somehow very blonde, which was odd since the rest of the family had brown hair.

She walked quietly back into her room while looking at her tablet that she has been carrying in her arms, it was 4:26, she had about 2 hours to hang out with Hunter and Christian. As she reached the door to her room, she opened it and sat her headphones onto her shelf beside her bed after turning off her music. Quickly grabbing her shoes, she slid them onto her feet, after she does so, she grab her maroon hoodie and slides that on as well. She would about almost always wear maroon hoodies, maroon wasn't really her favorite color though..

-Short Time Skip-
Ann has been walking from home to Hunter's house for a few minutes, his home wasn't far, but it wasn't too close. She took the hood of her hoodie off of her head before looking up to see Hunter's home very closely, just a house away! She continued walking, she was a bit happy that she was almost there. It seemed as if Hunter and Christian were outside of his home coloring with chalk on the nearby sidewalk, they looked to be talking about something that was quite interesting and exciting to them.
What could that be..?

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