The lost girl

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Hiachi Masashige. The first monster you will encounter on the game. She is the daughter of Futaomote and the owner of Shaku.


Mental: 8
Accursed: 320
Chronological: 328

Hiachi had a mental disorder. Shaku was given to Hiachi by Futaomote. Hiachi  names the doll "Shaku". Futaomote has an impulsive disorder. The village calls their family "insane". Hiachi was also bullied on their village, childrens would throw rocks at her. The mother and daughter were seperated due to a calamity in 1700. Futaomote was cursed in the same year. Hiachi slipped through a crack and ended up in a cave. She saw sakura tree and a black figure. The figure formed like her mother. Hiachi asked for the black figure's name but it doesnt have one. So Hiachi decided to name her "Sama". Hiachi and Sama plays everyday until ONE DAY. Sama asked for a favor. "My dearest Hiachi... Can you please take this paper of the tree, so we can move freely..? I promise u eternal joy...". Hiachi took the seal and her vision blurred... "My dearest Hiachi, your frail yet full of beauty. Such youth one would be blessed for! A victim of truth, yes, whom is to vouch for? Your only family has  disgracefully become full of insanity". Said Sama. "Your mother was once abnormal, but now shes a mere mortal, with other assemblages. Your desire is to see your mother again, is it not?". Hiachi cries then said "Yes... I miss my mama...". Sama said "Your wish is my command, and you will never escape the fate's hand. I promised you eternal joy, but this family is merely a decoy. After you suffered from calamity, your family will last for eternity as my marionettes.". Hiachi had became a puppet of sama.


Hiachi was born: 1693
Calamity struck: 1700
Futaomote was cursed: 1700
Hiachi was deceived and cursed: 1701

⚠️Credits to the owners!⚠️

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