Chapter 1

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(Will be spelling and grammar mistakes!!!)

The rain poured harder as the Strom continued to get stronger, Nancy picked up her gun looking around before Turing to Jonathan "I guess that means training is over for today or well tomorrow also if this storm continues start talking everything inside" she said
         Jonathan start to pack up and took all the stuff inside the cabin. The wind blew harder pulling down on Nancy's hair as she looked around the woods she saw a figure in the corner of her eye she slowly approached the figure raiseing her gun slowly
"Don't shoot! Pls I beg"
Another girl stood infront of Nancy the girls black hair was sticking to her face wet from the rain. Her eyes darted around the woods she looks scared? Worried? Stress?
         Nancy trapped the girls arm and dragged her towards the cabin ignoring the girls pleads to be let go, still Nancy wouldn't let go.
     "Ok so now we just bringing strangers in" Steve started but was cut off by Nancy
"She was lost! I couldn't help myself I love strays"
      A few minutes later
"Ok so now she should be ready for any questions now" Jonathan said smiling at the others
"I vote we don't let Steve say shit"Robin said raiseing her hand
"My names Katelyn Williams"
"I'm Nancy""that's Steve"she said points at Steve"Robin is next to you and on the coach are Jonathan and arygrel"
Nancy sat on the other side of Katelyn
"So... Katelyn where are you even from and how did you end up here" Nancy was the best for questions of course due to her skills from journalism
"Well from maini... Umm Derry yh so the reason I got here I just wanted to start over you know like fresh start I got lost"Katelyn answers Nancy questions smiling
"Why did you want a fresh start?" Steve butted in asking firmly
Katelyn look down "well my mom died and my grade no longer around as you could tell that's why"
Robin got up and elbowed Steve in the rib and mutter something to him while Nancy said
"Oh I so sorry and sorry about Steve he doesn't understand privacy"
Jonathan handed the rest of the hot cocoa to Katelyn and left the room
"Oh the storms getting worse"
Robin turned her head to the door
"HEY! Will,the others with you?" she asked the boy that walked in
"Yh they are"he replied helping a red head called Max in
As the rest of the party got seat Mike went and got some blankets for everyone
Argel helped Jonathan make Hot coco even though Jonathan ended up making most of it 
Nancy was cooking well was trying to she gave up within 2 minutes and just got some cans of soup and tried heating them up
Steve tried starting the fire with some help from Dustin. The rest of the party well Lucas and max were talking to each other while will was helping el with something.
"You did?" robin asked
"Yep cut and dyed funny how my hair hasn't fallen out yet I a natural Brunnet not black hair"Katelyn replied to robins comment laughing
"Your spo hyper it's adorable" she laughed
Robin went red and was playing with Katelyn hair
"I love hair for some reason I use to experiment with mine"Robin replied smiling as she layed down

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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