Back ground on where they stand

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Alhaitham who had been battling depression for quite some time. He a hard time expressing his emotions to others. Despite his struggles, he had managed to form a deep connection with a young man named Kaveh. when they where younger , Kaveh was very open with his emotions and would often come to Alhaitham to talk about his problems.

At first, Alhaitham was happy to be there for Kaveh. He felt like he was able to provide some support and comfort to his friend. However, as time went on, Kaveh's problems seemed to become more and more overwhelming. He would call Alhaitham in the middle of the night, crying and asking for help. Alhaitham tried his best to be there for Kaveh, but he was struggling with his own depression and found it increasingly difficult to handle the weight of Kaveh's problems.

One day, Alhaitham realized that he just couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't bear the weight of his own depression and Kaveh's problems at the same time. He knew that he needed to take a step back from the friendship in order to focus on his own mental health. It was a difficult decision, but Alhaitham knew that it was the right thing to do.

When Alhaitham told Kaveh that he needed to take a break from the friendship, Kaveh was devastated. He couldn't understand why Alhaitham would abandon him when he needed him the most. Alhaitham tried to explain that it wasn't about abandoning him, but rather about taking care of his own mental health. However, Kaveh was too wrapped up in his own problems to understand.

In the end, the two friends went their separate ways. Alhaitham continued to battle his own depression, but he knew that he had made the right decision for his own mental health. Kaveh eventually found other friends to lean on, but he always felt a sense of loss over his friendship with Alhaitham. Although they had gone their separate ways, both men knew that their friendship had been real and had meant something.

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