Untitled Part 1

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Statement of Damian Vyy regarding multiple strange encounters with a shadowy stalking figure

So, yes. I know this story kind of sounds stupid because of course, everyone has a bit of anxiety while walking after it turns dark and yes that is true especially if you're AFAB, like I'm not well passing so that adds to my fear and what's really upsetting is that fear is pretty justified but enough of me complaining about our society and how bad it is, I'll begin with when this all started; I was meandering down a sidewalk by my house because I had a pretty annoying day, and fresh air helps me clear my head as I'm sure it does for a lot of people, and as I was walking I smelt a cigarette, it kind of ruined my peace a little bit but not out of the ordinary, lots of people smoke but I typically take special note of because I have some bad memories relating to it you see; when I was younger my parents were chain smokers and I really didn't like it in part because I hate the smell of tobacco so now it just stirs a bit of anxiety for me but nothing major that would cause me to say walk back home but I always notice the scent but something that was kind of weird about it was there was no one there, it could've just be the butt of a dart on the ground so then I looked down to see if I stepped on one, almost instinctively but there was nothing on the pavement. A second later I looked up and I saw a very tall figure out of the corner of my eye from across the street. Now I know this isn't weird on its own. But there's more you see, it looked so human, or I guess it was more human-like because it couldn't be human, no HUMAN has long spindly fingers that go down to their knees and is almost 10 feet tall while also seemingly slouching. Now I know I said 10 feet but it wasn't staying at that height, it was throbbing, convulsing, squirming almost but just as I fully registered this THING on the other sidewalk, a car drove down the road between me and the being it disappeared, yes I know that sounds silly but it's what I saw and it spooked me I jogged home as opposed to walking. I told my partner about it, and they said it seemed weird, they shared that they had experienced something a bit similar as a kid while they were biking out a bit too late, it was an interesting chat but I just kind of forgot about the encounter with the figure and went for a walk later that same week. The same sidewalk, around the same time, ok not at the same time as an hour earlier but similar. I saw the figure again; I wouldn't be here if I only saw it once but this time it was around 15 feet in front of me. A safe distance definitely but not so far where I couldn't see the way it swayed and contorted. It seemed to walk towards me slowly, but it was prolonged so that could just be my imagination, this all could be. I could've just seen something weird, but it all felt so real. I know I'm going to lengths to say I don't think it was my imagination, that's just because I have no evidence and there's nothing you could use to find this being, but I thought this maybe could be a puzzle piece, maybe you guys have a big timeline about the supernatural things in this world and those beyond. I know it's silly, childish even, but I wouldn't be too surprised. I'm rambling again, apologies Archivist. I saw the figure again, but I wasn't on a walk, I was too shaken by the last two times I went as I'm sure many would be, but I was out at a gas station around 5 miles away from where I live because I wanted an Icee, I don't know it was a weird day. As I walked out of the station the figure was standing there with a lit cigarette. The figure was not the same, it was about 3 feet shorter and I could see it and what it looked like, it had wavy shoulder-length blonde hair that the colored lights on the sign of the building bounced off of with a dark green beanie that looked quite stark against the colorfully lit hair, we were wearing a pretty similar outfit to be completely honest, we both had a black jacket and gray sweatpants but it's coat had small burnt holes dotted all around from I can only assume; lots of dart cherries. I tried to walk past it, but it asked me in a scratchy voice if I wanted a puff, I declined while trying my best to keep my unease and minor panic out of my muttering of a denial. I wish I could pretend it wasn't the same figure, but I could just feel it was, it felt like the same thing, like the same sort of lack of being if that makes any sense like it was there but I could just feel the absence of humanity in it. I wish this was the end of my statement but sadly that was not the last time I saw this creature; I don't know what to call it anymore because I've spoken to it. I know it's real, either that or I've gone insane which I doubt. Anyway, as I was saying before, I've seen it again, I see it in my window watching me, I saw it on my drive here, I've seen it for weeks and the thing is, it doesn't even scare me. It barely did, to begin with, it shook me sure but not so bad that I really would have noted it. I don't know why I came here about this as opposed to the police. Yes, I think it's supernatural so that might be the reason, but I don't typically believe in this sort of thing. I enjoy humoring myself with theories, but I don't think they are possible. This could just be a tall person or a normal-sized person with the shadows making them seem taller, but it feels different, it feels... odd, unnatural, strange, etc. The thing is I don't even know where I heard about this place. No one I know has come here as far as I'm aware and it's not like you guys advertise yourself, probably for the best. I mean, what would that even look like? "Come down to the Magnus Institute and tell us about your traumatizing magic experiences! We want to hear about it! Call 888-Spooky for more info". Hah, sorry, but you get what I mean I'm not sure how I knew about your business. Let alone where the building is. Oh Sorry, my statement has technically ended I guess, TL;DR a scary chain smoker is stalking me. Kind of weird to say out loud. The statement ends, of course, I believe this was Michael. What else could it be? But something that doesn't add up is Michael is not known to smoke or even smell like tobacco though this could just be him adopting the scent purely to unsettle Mr. Vyy which wouldn't surprise me. I mean it wouldn't be out of character for Michael and it seems to be in the realm of his abilities. Martin easily some follow-up with this Damian Vyy, and he was quite open to talking with the institute Martin asked about the encounters and if they had continued and Vyy responded by saying that he had continued to see the figure for a month or two after giving his statement and claimed that about a week after he accepted it the figure just disappeared and stopped following him. Martin asked him if his partner had made a statement about their experience, Mr. Vyy said he said, Dune, his partner didn't seem interested in making one because 'it was a while ago and they haven't seen anything since' they reported. They didn't make one at the time and didn't seem like they should now. 

Recording ends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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