Chapter 1

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So here i stood.

At the alter.

I, Melody, was at the alter with someone I didn't even know!

He stood there tall and slim. His hair was messy and crazy, but in a kind of cute way. His eyes were a bright vibrant blue that stood out against his black tux.

His rose in his pocket also stood out against all the darkness of his suit.

I glanced around and saw my parents as they were shedding tears and glanced at his parents who were sitting next to mine.

My parents were best friends with his parents but i dont know how I've never met them..

"Melody, do you take him to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asked.

I guess i zoned out when he asked the first time.

I glanced around even more and then met his amazing blue eyes.

I dont want to.

But my parents will be so mad if i dont.

I dont know him.

A million thoughts came swirling around my head.

I gulped.

I couldn't run away, there were security guards at the exit.

Why are there security guards?

I internally sighed at this whole messed up situation.

I gulped and replied "I do."

"And do you take Melody to be your lawfully wedded wife?" he asked the blue eyed wonder.

I saw the internal fight in his eyes as he looked into my eyes.

He had the same debate i had moments ago..

I glanced down breaking the eye contact and focused on his hands holding mine.

He had big soft hands compared to my little fragile hands.

"I do." I finally heard him say.

I glanced up and saw a look in his eyes that were saying "i guess were stuck now."

I looked over at my parents and saw a huge smile on their faces.

"I now pronounce you, man and wife."he looked between the two of us. "You may now kiss your bride." he said and looked at my now husband.

Iv'e never even officially met him, let alone kiss him!!

My heart started beating a million miles a minute.

He leaned in, got closer.

His lips were almost on mine, my mind racing and racing.

When his lips finally reached mine, sparks.

Sparks galore.

But how?

I've never met him, our parents arranged this whole marriage.

How do I feel sparks for someone I've never met before??

And yet, i felt myself getting into the kiss. Kissing his soft lips..

I kissed back so he knows hes not the only one in this now.

We were married.

I am now his other half legally.

Were in this together.

"I now pronounce," the priest said in a loud and confident voice, "Mr. and Mrs. Horan!"

The crowd stood up and roared in applause.

And here's to a new stage of my life.

A wife...


Hey my snowflakes.

So i decided to try this out and to see where it leads me to.

I kinda like this.

Its not nearly as long as i wanted it to be, but again, just testing out the waters..

If you like it, let me know.

If you dont like it, let me know! Just in a nice way.

This IS unedited. So forgive me for any mistakes! :)

Dont be afraid to message me as well.

I would LOVE to hear from all of my loving readers.

So, comment and tell me what you think!!!

Love you all my snowflakes!!

-Jess :) <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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