1. Crush // Changrick

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Crush // Changrick // chapter 1

It just happened, I didn't wish for it to happen.
It just did. One day he was walking down the hall and the next I was doodling his name on the back of my notebook with silly hearts. That might seem childish and stupid but at that moment I just had a silly little crush.
I thought it would go away, just like any other dumb crush.
But I was wrong, in class I would always stair at him.
I would secretly leave him poems in his locker.
Of course I didn't have the courage to speak to him, I'm shy , I'll make a fool of myself infront, of Changjo.

I'm glad that I haven't yet. Or else I would hide in my room forever embarrassed.

He seems like a nice , kind , hard working man. And his looks is just another bonus in my book.
My mother calls this an obsession but I don't really see it as one, I don't stalk him everywhere.
I have my boundaries!

My mother thinks me and Changjo would make a cute couple and honestly, I agree.
My cousin even ships us, she told me , which was strange at first but now I think it's kind of cute that she ships it.
She's only twelve.
She even made a name for us.

It's been a few months since this crush has started. And I just want to get close to him, just close enough to be content that I even spoke to him.
There's just something stopping me, my anti-social personality.
I have friends, it's just very hard for me to make them , let alone speak.
Changjo makes me feel like jell-o.
I start to get nervous when I'm around him.
I even bit my finger to stop myself from moaning once during class.
I really think I have a chance with him, because he is bisexual.
I just have zero flirting skills and the advice my friends give me really don't help at all. Here are the examples they want me to say to Changjo
They all want me to start conversations with "hey sexy" or "me,you , tonight my bed"
And no, that's not how I want to speak to him for the first time ever!
He's not some sort of sex object, he's a human being who deserves to be loved and cared for.
My heart isn't all about sex.
He's so much more than that.

I'm currently thinking of writing him another poem, I wonder if he reads them. I hope so because I put my whole heart and soul into writing them.

I wonder if he smiles when he reads them.

I'd be hurt if he'd throw them away.

The bell has just rung and I need to head to another class.
All the kids start filing out of the class. I like to be the last person to leave the classroom. when I reach to the door I bump into someone and that someone is none other then Changjo.
And now my notebook and binder and books are on the floor, great.
I nervously try to pick them up as fast as possible when I realize Changjo also knelt down to pick them up too.
He grabbed half of them and gave my things back to me, he had a tiny tint of red all over his face from I assume , embarrassment?
And he kept repeating 'sorries' over and over again.

He's just so cute.

He was starting to act even more strange , out of nowhere he told me to hang out with him during lunch time.
And not once did he stutter when he spoke, he just stuttered with all of his "I'm sorries"
And I accepted with a small "okay".
Im so nervous, what does this mean!

I then left the class and started running to my next one because I just might be late. Dang Changjo for bumping into me!

The school isn't that big, it's a rather small school but its great for learning.
I enter the small art class room full of paintings and drawing on each corner of the room.

I sat down on my stool and opened my binder to fix it because it was all over the place when it fell. The teacher didn't mind, he was on the phone at the moment.
Oh no it's a mess!

Once I was done fixing the mess I call a binder, the teacher started to talk about today's subject.

*time skip*

The class is finally over!
I'm scared about hanging out with Changjo. What if I say the wrong things?

I opened the cafeteria doors and walked in , I saw that Changjo was sitting next to his friends, niel and Ljoe.
I made my way over to them, Changjo greeted me with a smile but Ljoe had a frown upon his face.
Niel had a smile just like Changjo's.

Does Ljoe not like me?
What did I do?

I sat down and just .... Nothing.

"Ricky is it? I'm honesty really sorry for bumping into you, heh who wouldn't bump into you, you're too cute!" Changjo said as his cheeks started to turn red just like earlier.
I was at lose of words, but it was soon interrupted when a loud sigh was heard, and it came from Ljoes mouth.

What a good way to ruin a moment.

"Ljoe can you just shut up for once.. Damn." Niel barked at a angry looking Ljoe.
Ljoe got up from his seat and walked away.

A few moments later Niel also got up and walked away, he sent Changjo a wink and kissy faces.
Eh what?!!?

"Oh-um- uh... t-thank you.." Was all I said, my words are better than I imagined but after this I'll probably hide under my blankets for the rest of my life.

"You're welcome! ... But it's true, you are cute. And rather talented."

Talented? How?
He hardly know me. Ugh.

"Your writing is wonderful.... You had me swooning with every word. ... I finally worked up the courage to talk to you... After so long." He said.
Oh, my heart is literally going to jump out of my chest.

".... W-What writing..? .... H-How can you be nervous of me? You're the m-most nicest guy on this c-campus!"
I blabbed as I could feel my face heat up.

Wait... Does he.... Like me?..

"I sort of have a crush on you." He said sheepishly while scratching his head.

I looked at him with big eyes on surprise. ME????? HIM??? HE LIKES ME!!???

".... Oh.. My ... is this real.. Am I dreaming again." I muttered to myself but I know Changjo heard me.
He laughed and got up, he told me to get up too and follow his lead.

He grabbed onto my hand, oh no I'm going to sweat so bad.
This has for to be a dream.

He lead me to his locker.
He opened up his locker and inside were all the poems I had given him during the school year.

He looked at me and smiled.
"I know you wrote them, you're the best at writing and capturing feelings into a piece of paper. I fell in love the moment I read them, I didn't need to guess who it was, I knew it was you all along."

I was about to speak when he interrupted me, he hushed me and hugged me.

"Thank you, no one has ever done such a thing as sweet as you. Thank you for loving me."

I looked at him in the eyes and I saw a tear threatening to spill.
I cleaned it off and he just laughed which was a sort of crying laugh.

"Y-You mean.. So much to me. You're an amazing human being. I.. Love.. You. A lot.."

I got on my tippy toes and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Would you like to be my boyfriend Ricky?" He shyly said as he looked at me with hope in his eyes.

"Yes, I'd love too."

This was the start of a beautiful relationship between me and Changjo.

Lost Paths  (N_A_P, Changrick, chunjoe)Where stories live. Discover now