The end is the beginning

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Tony was just getting out of school, people was talking about a werid infection on the way home . By the time Tony got home it was 6:00, he turned on the news there were more stories about a infection making people want human flesh. Tony went to go make him something to eat. About 2 hours have passed and Tony woke up from nap and noticed that it was still six clock. Tony looked outside and noticed that everyone was packed up running around like animals. Right when Tony was about to go out there but he heard a hissing sound Behind him, onced he turned around a ugly freak came running towards him getting ready to rip him apart.

Tony couldn't recognize who the lady was because her face was so wrinkled and crusty. The lady jumped on Tony causing him to stumble backwards and fall. Tony kicked the ugly lady off of him and grabbed a kitchen nife when he stumbled back to his feet. When the lady came lounging at him again he powered the knife right threw her stomach. She was stilling walking like nothing happened,but he didnt again,again,again, and again she was still walking finally Tony put the knife threw head blood came squirting out.

Tony stumbled back wondering what happened. Then right at that moment Tony's brother Parker came in. Tony and parker live with each other their mom and dad be at work most of the time. Tony is 15 years old and parker is 13 years old.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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