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'enhypoop' Lmao like listen, if you gone proudly be the negro fuck who justified a minor and the rest of enha being sexually harassed by the adult airport staff that should've been fuckin' professional, the least you could do is not be nauseatingly fuckin' corny. The type of corniness I'd expect from them damn bastard nonblacks, chile, like that's seriously the best shit you could come up with? 'endozens' Lmao checkin' they header and seein 'Treasure' made that cornball ass shit make complete fuckin' sense like never will I not be surprised to see a fuck ass treasure stan make lame ass attempts at bein shady toward enha what with the niggas they stan gettin they asses beat by kpop stan twt more often than they're gettin praised by them. Never will I forget when one of them corny fucks accidentally threw one of they busted niggas to the wolves by way of them providing video evidence of they nigga not doin better than Riki in every way in regards to covering Lie but grossly and hilariously paling in comparison to Riki like that's what happens when you niggas so far up these kpop niggas' asses that the objectivity is sucked clean out of you. The bitch nigga was fuckin STIFF, not to mention his dancing was lifeless as fuck, two things one should absolutely fuckin' avoid when covering Lie like that was truly an amusing day. Anyways, geeked as hell for the Dark Blood era. I'm really about to get reparations for the hell that was the Manifesto era and I couldn't be happier.


"You wanna kiss me soooooo badddddd," Riki says teasingly, holding the book that would've been in her possession right now if Riki weren't so committed to being a little shit even higher, Marsai bristling as her fingers curl into themselves to form clenched fists of pure annoyance. "Is that why you're so frustrated, Sai?"

He's so goddamn smug and it's driving her crazy, the coo in his voice infinitely more annoying than that stupid smirk on his face. "Give the damn book to me right now, asshole."

"Careful, Sai," the taller boy says as he dangles the book between his fingers. "You'll start to look stupid the longer you deny that you wanna kiss me."

The only stupid one in this library aisle is Nishimura Riki, Marsai so hot in the face with frustration that she's starting to sweat. She doesn't know what got into her, doesn't know why she didn't stop herself from grabbing Riki by the collar of his uniform shirt and yanking him down toward her lips. Their lips make contact for only a few seconds, Marsai letting Riki go, smirking at the dumbfounded look on the mischievous boy's face. "The only one looking stupid from where I'm standing right now is you, Nishimura."

She'd been in the middle of brimming with satisfaction at having given Riki his just desserts when Marsai starts to process the impulsiveness of her actions, struck with horror for only a few seconds before Riki cups her face and kisses her full-on on her lips. He kisses her like it's something he's been waiting to do all his life, Marsai confused as to why she's matching the movement of his lips and pulling him closer by the sleeves of his uniform shirt. She feels a burst of heat in her face when the first thing she feels upon him pulling away is a yearning for his lips to be back on hers again. His silence and the intensity of his gaze disconcerts her, Marsai biting the inside of her cheek, internally crying out for him to say something.

"Did you really just let a meme get you to kiss me?" is how Riki chooses to break the silence between them, eyes full of laughter as he stares down at her.

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