Patient 4

261 3 0

Name: Y/N
L.Name: Carter
Age: 14 (Prologue) 15 (Afterwards)
Quirk: Y/N's Spark

Q.Desc: The user of this quirk has the unique ability to shoot lighting from their finger tips. Although, from what has been observed, the quirk is not as volatile as usual lightning or electrical quirks. Usually, the lightning harms the hosts body, but the Spark, ignores its host completely.

There are two forms of the Spark. Form A is what the user calls "Shock Therapy" (Details of abilities are explained later in the file.) This fire's a straight line of lightning out of the users finger tips, for about 10 meters, this was the first display shown, its possible it could increase, this blast causes screaming in those who cross it, and temporarily causes spasms or muscle locking.

Form B is a more, frightening case. This is what the user calls "Static Blast". The user fires out lightning out in a wide dome like shape, causing anyone caught in it to scream. The reason why this is frightening is because the quirk has two additional aspects, documented below.

Addition one: The lighting produced by the user causes temporary insanity at various levels. These have been split into three tiers.

Madness tier one: this is the least cruel and damning. In this stage, the patient, as the user calls them. Experiences mild hallucinations and slight paranoia, however the effects increase slightly when within a certain range of the user.

Madness tier two: the effects of tier one are more drastic, common reports are a thick, dark fog bliding them or a suffocating feeling. These are once again, increased in a range around the user. However, the choking feeling can lead to passing out, as if they were actually being choked.

Madness tier three: No words can describe the horror experienced on this level. Hallucinations are constant, that choking feeling and thick, dark fog are amplified wildly. And the further effect of this is phobias and fears are brought to life. Arachnophobic? Spiders crawling in your skin, eyes, mouth, every orifice. Aerophobic? You'll be hundreds of meters off of the ground. No fear at all? It will make you fear something.

Addition two: This is the most frightening part of this quirk. The user has a heightened sense of sadism, pain and fear cause manic laughter to echo throughout the gullet of the user, a distorted tone to it, this sadism even extends to themself, making them extremely hard to put down in a fight, due to them being flooded with not only thousands of volts, keeping their brain going, but also floods of adrenaline and serotonin.

While the quirk is not in use, the user loses most of this heightened sadism, though still inherits some of it naturally.

The power and voltage of the lightning are that of 10,000 volts. This would have been fatal a couple generations back, but due to natural evolution and quirks being introduced, this is now only fatal if hit multiple times within seconds. The user has a cooldown of 6 seconds, so cannot cause death within an opponent.

The user has shared some costume designs documented below, these are impressive for someone of the users age and seemingly boosting his powers to the utmost and allowing his powers to flourish. As well as notes specified for the outfit.

● The suit itself is to be made of a highly durable, yet conductive material, allowing the user to be defended from harm while in combat

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● The suit itself is to be made of a highly durable, yet conductive material, allowing the user to be defended from harm while in combat.

●The headpiece is to be designed as drawn, made to keep his eyes wide and horrifying and a mad grin to be kept along his cheeks.

●The metal rod can be taken creative liberty with, as it can be just any hunk of metal, however the user wants there to be at least an amplifier for his power with the weapon.

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