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It was a nice long sunny day in the afternoon as the scenery first opens up to a plain field of grass that has spread out evenly across the area with a nice greenery spot on the hill.

Where a cute little Labrador-like dog sits there peacefully at the peak.

"Ahh. Nothing beats an awesome day like relaxing these paws in the summer heat." Chikin Nuggit expressed happily while wearing his sunglasses.

He was very contempt with the average life that he has with him and his friends all together to make the days even brighter.

Until one day, when the world he knew will soon begin to crumble around him.

As he was suddenly interrupted of his silence with a unexpected shriek from a familiar friend.

"Chikin!" The voice said before he then turn around to see that it was his cat best friend Cheeseborger, running up to him in a complete sheer of panic!

"Chee? What's going on?" Chikin asked, his face contorted with confusion before taking off his shades in worry for his pal.

"Something's not right. That floating clock guy is going around and telling everyone that our time is up! What do we do?!" Chee screeched out as Chikin begins to process who exactly she was talking about before slowly changing his facial expression into a 'really?' annoyed look on his face once he figured out that Chee was describing Bezel in the flesh.

A clock man with a bad reputation of becoming a fate master in form of time.

And frankly, it was getting on Chikin's last nerves.

"Ugh. Not that guy again. Just ignore him Chee. He's always like this. Nothing he ever says is true, anyways." Chikin advised her, rolling his eyes.

"What are you talking about? How did you even know him?" Chee asked, bewildered that her own friend knew the mysterious visitor.

"Sigh. He's been bugging us since the minute he got here. And frankly, I'm not surprised if Fwench Fwy is about as annoyed with him too as I am." Chikin explained.

"Really? Because I've never seen him before. And it looked like that he was only here for just a moment ago." Chee said, her eyebrow raised up, slightly.

"What do you mean?" Chikin asked, now even more puzzled by as Fwench Fwy, their immortal dragon friend, flew on by from afar and recognized 'the signs' that Chikin was starting to feel overwhelmed by his sudden confusion in memory.

"Oh no. We were so close. This can't happen again. I have to stop him." Fwench Fwy mumbled with worry before attempting to fly over to them.

Until all of a sudden, they were struck hard face flat like a plate full of glass that prevented them from going any further!

It had shimmered and shined in golden like color as the barrier shield circles over both Chikin and Chee.

"What?! Come on Chikin! Open up. I have to talk to you!" Fwench Fwy shouted out, but couldn't be heard since the shield was too thick and out of reach to get through.

Then, a cackling laugh was heard from behind as French Fwy quickly whips their head around and sees Bezel in the flesh!

"Haha! Oh this going to be so much fun. I should bring out the popcorn and snacks while I still can." Bezel mocks in his laughter while magically popping out a bag of popcorn and soda drink cup in the air.

"Grr! This is all your fault Bezel. If you hadn't showed up here in the first place then maybe we wouldn't have to...." French Fwy tried to yelled out furiously until they were cut off by Bezel, who walked over to them and leaned in close face to face.

"Look little dragon, I warned you that this would happen. I just wanted you to witness your first ever home in such a precious long time, coming to a near end. And I do have to say, that I don't blame you for not letting it go. It's a beautiful place, no?" Bezel asked rhetorically while Fwench Fwy squint their eyes, angrily.

"Look you big giant clock freak! You can't just come in here and ruin everything! We were perfectly fine with the way things were." Fwench Fwy insisted while Bezel continue to contradict their statement without moving a single inch.

"Oh really? And why do you think that it is perfect? Surely it's about time that he got over with this mundane fantasy anyways and place himself better on the more realistic side for his godly mind. You may think that it's flawless. But I believe that you're wrong in this case. Nothing here was ever okay with this world. And clearly there seemed to be a few, might I say, errors, that not only grew suspicion around his poor little friends, but also ended up spreading rumors around with particular questions that no one but only immortals like us would have the answers to. Wouldn't you agree on that behalf?" Bezel asked them as they stare intensely on in a battle-like confrontation, waiting for the other to make a move.

Meanwhile, back inside the shield, Chikin becomes more and more agitated by the minute.

"What? But you said.....wait a minute.... didn't I tell you this before? I don't understand...something's messing with my brain I can't think anymore...I can't..." Chikin said before he paused abruptly in sheering pain.

"Hey, are you okay...." Chee tried to say while attempting to reach out to her friend before she was immediately cut off with her paw swiped away quickly by Chikin in frustration.

"! I'm not!! I can't stop remembering everything! Please! Make it go away! M...make it....stop!" Chikin begged from the agony of his confusion, holding his ears together right as his eyes suddenly begin to shine brightly like a pair of car front lights.

"Chikin, stop it. You're scaring me." Chee shuddered with deep fright in her eyes.

Just then, Bezel turns his head around from Fwench Fwy to sees Chikin's glowing process of change and chuckles ever so darkly.

"Ah. And would you look at that. Mmm haha. This is where my favorite part comes in. I love seeing a good wipeout of an imperfect world. I wonder how long it'll really last before it's wiped out clean for good." Bezel said while taunting Fwench Fwy with showing off his clock that literally ticks away slowly in time.

"You won't get away with this." Fwench Fwy growled at him angrily before once again attempting to break open the shield.

But alas, it was too powerful and way too indestructible to be broken.

Just then, their demon bunny partner, Iscream, showed up out of the blue and took ahold of their underworld book to see if they can help their partner out the best they could as well with the situation at hand.

"Iscream do something. I can't....errr. Seem to get this barrier to break loose." Fwench asked their partner while straining to push break its shield, but Iscream seemed to be as stumped about it as they are and eventually gave up finding a solution.

"I'm sorry honey I can't do anything about this. There's not even a casting spell that can shatter the shield. I think it's time to say goodbye." Iscream concluded sadly, feeling bad that their partner is upset with this as they are.

"No! Please, I'm begging you! Do something. Anything. All of our friends...they're out there and they'll..." Fwench Fwy continued to beg until they started to pause, not wanting to mention the word 'dead', with their eyes now filling up in heavy tears, knowing full well that they simply couldn't stop it, no matter what.

Chikin's powers were just too strong for them to deflect, anyways.

Iscream's heart sank and his ears flopped down in familiar feeling of sadness before inching closer.

"I know. Come here. I promise you, everything is going to be okay. We'll figure it out, somehow." Iscream said as they comfort their partner while Chikin's powers slowly grew more and stronger.

With the madman Bezel laughing even louder as the shield suddenly broke apart in its destructive blow.

And before they all knew it, the whole world exploded in a light wave of radioactive bomb.

With the dimension now gone in its eternal existence.

And the day turning from a bright shiny light into an endless pit of cold, empty darkness.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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