Just a normal day 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。

212 1 43

Cheesy = -🧀
Trophy = 🏆
Knife =🔪

🏆Trophy's POV:

I just woke up and open my eyes to see Cheesy's face he looks at me and smiles.
"Good morning Trophy!"

"Good morning." I say as I get up

"Did you get breakfast already?" -🏆

"No I was waiting for you to wake up so we can go together!" -🧀

"Come on!" Cheesy looks at me pulling my arm lightly,
"Come on Trophy!"

"Ok" We go down stairs into the kitchen

"So what do you want to eat?" -🏆 Cheesy looks up at me

"Pancakes!" -🧀

"Ok how many?" -🧀

"2 please!" -🧀

"Ok" Cheesy isn't allowed to cook so I normally make him breakfast he just watches as I make it. I finish up the pancakes

"Here you go!" He smiles

"Thanks!" I smile back he looks so cute!

"Are you going to eat anything?" He stares at me waiting for an answer

"No I'm not hungry I'm just going to make coffee." -🏆

"ok." he turns back to his food and starts eating as I prepare my coffee

"I'm done!" He picks up his plate and drops it in the sink, I finished making my coffee

"Lets go outside!" -🧀

"Ok." I put a lid on my cup

"Wait let me get my camera" -🏆

"Ok, don't take to long Trophy." -🧀  I head back up to my room to get my camera I take it off my nightstand and head back down stairs, Cheesy is just sitting on the couch

"Come on Cheesy!" -🏆

"Ok!" -🧀  We walk up and open the door as Cheesy dashes in front of me

"Woah Cheesy slow down there's no need to run!" Cheesy stops and stares back

"I know I'm just am really excited its so pretty out here!" -🧀

"Ok I guess that's a valid reason." I run over to him, he then points at something

"Look at those flowers aren't they pretty?" -🧀

"Yeah they are very pretty lets go get a picture of them" -🏆

"ok" We run over to the flowers Cheesy sits down beside the flowers as I take a sip of coffee then put it down beside me

"Cheesy do you want to be in the photo?" -🏆

"Yeah I will make the photo grater" -🧀 I smile

"get it?" -🧀

"Yes Cheesy I get it" He knee slaps and smiles back at me then he stares at the flowers

"Ready?" -🏆 He nods I take a picture and snatch it I wave it a few times and then I set it down then I take another and do the same thing as I did for the other one

"Done?" -🧀

"Yeah" I pick up the pictures and hand one to Cheesy

"Here take it I took two so we could both have one" -🏆

he takes the photo and looks at it

"I love it" he looks back at me

"Will you teach me how to take photos someday?" -🧀

"Yeah when you want to" I put my camera around my neck and take a sip of coffee then look at the photo I have. (The photo⬇️)

He looks so cute in the picture! I look back at him

"You wanna head back in?" -🏆

"Yeah lets go!" He runs to the door and waits for me to catch I catch up

"Come on Trophy" he saids looking at me smiling so much as I finally catch up and we head inside someone then stands in front of us blocking the path. It was Knife!

"Hey what's the big deal?" -🏆

"I just need to talk to you two" he saids Cheesy just stares confused

"About what?" Cheesy asks looking straight at Knife

"Something" he saids looking away

"Oh like what?" -🧀 Cheesy looks at Knife then at me Knife looks back at us

"Something important I'll tell you tomorrow" -🔪

"Ok" Me and Cheesy both say

"Meet me in the living room tomorrow and I'll tell you" -🔪

"Ok We'll be there" Cheesy saids looking happily at Knife

"Ok well see you later" He saids walking away

"I wonder what it could be?" Cheesy stares at me with a cute smile

"Maybe it's for advice? Or something love like" -🧀

"Cheesy how do you think it's about that?" -🏆 I'm very confused why he thought that

"I don't know maybe it's because you and me are in love and he needs help with love" -🧀

"Cheesy you make me feel so confused right now" -🏆

"I know" Cheesy saids still smiling.

Me: I hope you enjoyed it so far I'm working on it as much as I can, feel free to leave some suggestions for some other chapters or something like that. Please enjoy the rest
(Hug? Yes? No?) ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃

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